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QuoteIt! - Quote Database
Version: 3.17, by Cap'n Steve Cap'n Steve is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.6.0 Rating:
Released: 01-01-2007 Last Update: 04-30-2008 Installs: 207
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

QuoteIt! version 3.1

I'm no longer able to put very much time into this mod, so I've set up a Subversion repository at http://www.vbulletinprogramming.com/projects/quoteit/ to allow others to help out. You can use the login "vbuser" with the password "vbulletin" to edit files. If someone would like to completely take over the mod, please contact me.

QuoteIt! allows you to have a database of quotes integrated with your forum. Users submit quotes that can then be voted on by the other users, using your choice of two rating systems. The average installation will show a random quote on the forum home page, but you can include it on any vBulletin page or on your portal home page.

If you'd like to see a demo, go to forums.monkeycrap.com.


Random Quote
- a random quote can be shown on any vBulletin powered page
- the administrator can set a default rating threshold that quotes must meet before showing up as the random quote
- a new random quote can be chosen at a specific interval of time, to reduce server load

Quote Database
- quotes can be searched, filtered, and sorted by many different criteria
- quotes have a "context" field that can be turned on or off to include more information about the quote
- quotes can be embedded in posts with bbcode
- each post and private message now has a "Submit to Quotes" link that allows users to quote things said on your forum more easily

Quote Ratings System
- quotes can be rated either plus/minus or on a scale from 1 to 5
- quotes below a certain total score or average score can be filtered out

Quote Management
- quotes can either be automatically approved or moderated
- the quote moderation que is like the que for posts, enabling the moderation of several quotes at once
- usergroup permissions are used for adding, editing, deleting, rating and viewing quotes
- most actions use AJAX to avoid page reloads

Don't forget to click install!

Currently known problems are listed here.

The files needed to edit the included images are attached to this post.

This hack is based on QuoteIt! 1.2, originally by magnus. The "submit post" feature was inspired by an addon by CtrlAltDel.

Older versions (no longer in development): QuoteIt! 3 for vBulletin 3.5.x | QuoteIt! 2.03 for vBulletin 3.0.x

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 03-30-2007, 10:21 AM
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Another Question,

I have edited the bb code so that instead of using [quotes] it uses [law].

but when I do it in a post, i.e. [law]1[/law] it only displays the HTML replacement? which looks something like this:


Why is it doing this and not displaying the law (quote) that I chose.

Also, is there a way of adding a drop down box in reply toolbars that will allow you to select a category, as I only have one law (quote) in each.


Is there a way to edit the categoryid? if so am I able to use decimal points in the id so that it matches my law refs? i.e. law 1.4 would be categoryid 14, law 10.12 could be categoryid 1012

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:13 PM
ChiliVB ChiliVB is offline
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Cap'n Steve - I'd like to reduce the font size for the quote and author information to 11px and the "submitter" row information to the smallfont class if at all possible. The new version makes the quoteit section too large in appearance on our forum.

I found the css files quoteit_ie_lt_7.css and quoteit_ie_all.css and tried revising the font size parameters but it didn't change anything, they still appeared the same.

Could you point me in the right direction please.
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Old 03-31-2007, 08:13 PM
digital3 digital3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post
I'll have to reinstall it. then I'll send a link. With it not working it was defacing the site.
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:52 AM
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digital3 - Well, judging by the symptoms, either something went wrong during the upload or your server is misconfigured somehow.

ChiliVB - quoteit_ie_lt_7.css is used by Internet Explorer versions 6 and lower, quoteit_ie_all.css is used by all versions of Internet Explorer, and quoteit_main.css is used by all browsers. If you want to add a class to the submitter section, you'll have to edit the quote_listbit template.

rburns - The BBCode is kind of complicated to prevent too many queries on a page. You'll have to edit includes/functions_quoteit.php. In that file, find
PHP Code:
        $tag_list['no_option']['quotes'] = array( 
and replace that with
PHP Code:
        $tag_list['no_option']['law'] = array( 
In the same file, find
PHP Code:
        return '[quotes]' $quoteid '[/quotes]'
and replace that with
PHP Code:
        return '[law]' $quoteid '[/law]'
To change the categoryid, you currently need to do it directly in the database through phpMyAdmin or something similar. If you want it to be a decimal, you'll have to add some code to convert it like you demonstrated. That might end up being a little difficult, so I'd suggest just including the number in the title. Users aren't really supposed to be paying attention to the id anyway.

I'm not sure what you mean about the reply dropdown. Are you talking about choosing a category when replying to a post?
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Old 04-01-2007, 03:14 PM
ChiliVB ChiliVB is offline
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Steve View Post
ChiliVB - quoteit_ie_lt_7.css is used by Internet Explorer versions 6 and lower, quoteit_ie_all.css is used by all versions of Internet Explorer, and quoteit_main.css is used by all browsers. If you want to add a class to the submitter section, you'll have to edit the quote_listbit template.
I've tried reducing the font size in the quoteit_main.css in the section below and didn't see a change. Is this the correct place?
	vertical-align: super;
	position: absolute;
	margin-left: -50px;
	position: relative;
	right: 0;
	margin-bottom: -40px;
	z-index: 5;
	font-size: 7em;
	color: #E3E9F2;
	font-family: "Bernard MT Condensed", "ITC Garamond", "Trebuchet MS", Garamond;
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Old 04-01-2007, 11:41 PM
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The openquote and closequote classes are there for the quotation mark images. You probably want the quotetext and author classes.
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Old 04-02-2007, 03:52 PM
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This is a truly excellent hack, and one which I am already re-coding much of my forum to integrate more fully, as it brings together external features we had previously been achieving by other means.

Three outstanding issues with the current release:

1: On using the quote importer-from-file in the AdminCP, there is no option to assign imported quotes to a specific category, if categories are enabled and defined. All imported quotes seem only to be importable into 'unfiled'. (The route I eventually ended up taking to assign 500+ imported quotes to a common category was to 'delete' them all [i.e. unapprove] them all in the user interface, which threw them back into the moderation queue; and from the moderation queue I could click 'Approve all', since in the queue their default was set to the first category.)

*2: (more urgent): When 'context' is enabled, and the postbit template is modified to include a 'submit quote' button on each post, the automatic convert-thread-to-context feature does not work properly. The hack properly inserts its text ("Posted in thread x..."), with appropriate link, into the 'context' field on the submission form, and it is likewise visible in the preview screen; but once the 'submit' button is pressed, the context field is truncated, so that when one views the pending quote in the moderation queue, the context field reads simply 'Posted in', with no further information (i.e. the link to the thread has been entirely lost). This is a series bug, as the end-result is bizarrely truncated quote submissions -- for the time being I've had to disable the 'context' feature altogether to prevent this. An urgent fix would be most appreciated.

3: This one is minor: in the AdminCP options for the hack, 'Moderation que' should be properly spelled 'Moderation queue'.

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Old 04-02-2007, 04:21 PM
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A few further issues have arisen:

4: When dealing with pending quotes in the moderation queue, selecting 'ignore' effectively ignores the quote for moderation purposes (i.e. leaves it in the queue, whilst other messages are either approved or deleted as per admin selections); but it is not ignored as far as PM notification goes -- i.e., Private Messages are sent out to the submitters of the 'ignored' quote reading, e.g. "Your quote (#407) has been updated". If one is holding a post in the queue while trying to decide what to do with it, whilst dealing with other quotes, this is very problematic: the member(s) with posts being ignored receive a new PM every time the queue is moderated -- which can amount to a great many. It would be a very helpful fix to ensure that the hack does NOT send out PMs to members when a quote in the queue is 'ignored' for later assessment.

5: Is there a way to disable all PM notification of moderation of quotes? I added the style template modification that adds the option setting to the user control panel; but users seem automatically to be receiving PMs on moderation changes, even without visiting their control panel.
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Old 04-02-2007, 09:47 PM
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1. You can add categoryid to the fields, but you need to know the numeric id of the category you want.

2. That's strange. Do you have bbcode enabled for quotes?

3. Oops.

4. Good point, I'll fix that soon.

5. They should be disabled by default, you can run this query to make sure (replace $TP with your table prefix): [sql]UPDATE $TPuser SET quoteitoptions = 0[/sql]
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Old 04-03-2007, 07:36 AM
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It seems there is still a bug with the language selector after installing the newest version of this hack: After installation, the language-chooser drop down list in the vB footer lists my normal language (only one), but now follows it with an option "--a" (as has been reported earlier in this thread).

Any fix on this? It's already been confusing readers!

Many thanks.
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