Since the delimeter is "rand" the only files that will be cycled in the script are:
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
did I do this right?
[list=1]for the PATH and URL to Images, I used:
h ttp://ww
(I created a folder called "random")
The URL is correct BUT the PATH has to be the filesystem path as in "/home/name/public_html/forums/images/random/"
then you would set the delimiter for style a to "style_a" and similiar for style b
It may be completely off from how it would have to be done, just spitting ideas out from my insane noggin for ya as I know the style thing is giving ya a headache
Can I use this in multiple locations on my site? Say one in a portal and one in a forum dedicated to a specific subject?
Right now it just uses one variable, so it will display the same image on every page. I just paused my brain and though of it, it is definitely possible. But I'm gonna try and figure out the following request first.
Originally Posted by Cyricx
Thought for ya Jugo on the per style thing.
What if the delimiter was set per style?
Then as you describe it would only grab the images that started with that delimiter so if for example if you had the images
then you would set the delimiter for style a to "style_a" and similiar for style b
I got the settings all set for this, except that for some reason the code is not parsing's still using the same image for both and it's not picking up the style ID correctly...
been trying to get some help from the "Master Coders" here but two posts and no response yet....i'll wait and explore until i get it though, cause I like this idea.
Jugo any anwsers on my post? Or are you working on something else?
Read the post right above yours...i answered it.
Originally Posted by Sai01
i don't get this...where do i put the picture and how many picture can be rotated?
Put the images wherever you want...Just make sure that their names includes the "delimeter" you speify in the settings and that they are within your web accessible directories. There's no limit to the number of images (although I don't recommend having hundreds and thousands of images because that may slow down the script...
Jugo I have an Idea that you might be able to help with. I want to place the random image in the background of the New Thread/ Reply Box and set the Size of those boxes to a fixed size. Would you know how to accomplish this?
It would make a Unique experience. (Obvoiusly the images need to be somewhat translucent)
You can use this as well. Just use the variable as your background image like this:
HTML Code:
style="background: URL($randpic);"
and that should cycle through the images and place them as the background image.
Jugo sorry to be a twit, but how can I use this in the CSS section: I dont want to add the HTML I cant to apply it to the WYSIWYG editor in the CSS section. What command would that use?