Then again, I draw a difference between saying "I vote for [hack name] because it is excellent and useful to me" and saying "I vote for [hack name] because [user] made it".
Obviously you wouldn't agree with me on this because it was your ass being kissed
Good for you then I fail to see how this is related to the part of my post you quoted, though.
wow you totally took what i said out of context.. yes i said because ZT made it AND because its one of the Few AJAX hacks out there.. so far everyone of ZT's Hacks i installed has worked Flawlessly.
I shouldnt feel obligated to vote for a hack simply because i use it or not.. i voted for its uniqueness(in this case the AJAX makes it unique) ease of use, time to install and it ACTUALLY works!!!
so dont get your panties in a ruffle just because you took what i said out of context and decided to blow it up into something so trivial.
edit*** looks like im not the only one who thinks it should get HOTM