Well I tried upgrading and I got some errors that were all ready posted so I will not post them here again. I then tried the uninstall and it said it uninstalled successfully my board worked fine you could brows threw but if you click on a thread a SQL error would pop up. So I am guessing the uninstaller uninstalls even the old version not just the updated part?
I don?t normally like to upgrade hacks like this I would rather install fresh copies. Is there anyway to manually remove the old hack so I can try a fresh install? I tried upgrading and then uninstalling and then doing a fresh install but that did not work. These auto installs scare me as I have no idea whats being changed. You think I could do in manually maybe? I just like to know whats being modified and I feel blind with auto installs. I had to revert to a backup copy of the board because I had no idea what was changed.
Only thing I have modified on my board for this hack is the postbit but that should not be causing any problems right? I have also not updated to 3.0.7 im on 3.0.6 cause I don?t have the HTML security problem and Im lazy (lol)?
I can?t wait till this hack gets past beta. I normally don?t fool around with betas but I love this hack. I could contribute to it if I could get that darn thing working so I can test out my templates.
To uninstall the old hack, you have to run its installer file and delete from there. The new uninstall part does not remove old code, hence why an upgrade is the only possible course of action when an older version is detected.
The reason why uninstall caused SQL errors on showthread was because it calls tables that you have removed.
Also if you could reference to the errors you got at upgrade, the script was throroughly tested and the latest installer version shouldn't contain any more bugs...
This installer is set to echo every last change, so you know EXACTLY whats going on. It modifies the user table, you get a message saying this.
To find to exactly what was changed table wise, you could just pick open the file.
I HAD to make an auto installer because advanced parsing had to be done to convert the rpg_items_options and rpg_battle_options to $vboptions :P
Plus the installer looks good and is cool
To manually remove the old hack, you have to wipe all references to it from the dbase, its too late in the night for me to dig these out :P
I don't send email updates on all stuff I fix, because then people's emails would be spammed XD
Mind you, Im not trying to berate you for not realising this was fixed, I just wanted to explain myself