Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc) (wtf is the point? its just a template change anyway)
Because I like many other users prefer this method. Yes it can be done with pesky template changes, but I'd rather not customise every template and have to spend hours updating them when the next release is out. Besides I never said there was a point to it. There are stacks of hacks which IMO are pointless, what you consider to be pointless maybe usefull to many others.
Hide QRB if user was the last poster(template edit with conditionals)
I couldn't find any variable which held the last posters userid, so its a hack at least for me.
Non-standard extension (eg .core instead of .php)(according to what ive talked to kier about, will be part of the gold download system)
Lets hope so, although I'm not overly bothered now I've done it myself, saves a little processing per page though, so it would be a bonus
I've made a few large hacks for my private forums - the main one being a totally integrated custom points system, which links to Paypal, posting, avatars, sigs, and even custom homepages. I've also made my own version of the chatbox (no queries!) and lots of admin/ moderating changes. I'll release my moderating hacks once vB3 goes RC.
I have some innovative concepts in mind. I'm currently working on a portal system. I also will release my vB3 version (much more accurate) of the similar topic check.