Originally Posted by George Gerez
After reading over and over.. (15 minuts editing admin control.php, and decipering the replys above).
Here is the simple way to EDIT AVATAR Sizes...
in vbbs 3.0.7 and 3.0.8
1. Log into your VBulletin Control panel
2. Scroll down to USERGROUPS
3. Click on USER MANAGER
4. Click on the GO button on the right for the USERGROUP you want to modify the Avatar Size
5. Scroll down to "Picture Uploading Permissions" you will then see the custom avatar size (width, hieght and size)
Remember. You will need to change all of the USERGROUPS one by one...
If this worked for you.. (Say You da man George!)
Thanks. I love the search feature. Works in 3.5.1 as well.