Version: 1.00, by Slynderdale
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 02-27-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 26
No support by the author.
This is a simple hack, Just copy and paste two bits of code into two files (admin/functions.php and member.php), it adds a real handy url status checker function that checks for these web statuses:
"N/A"=>"Ikke HTTP",
"OK"=>"Valid hostname",
"FEJL"=>"Invalid hostname",
"D?d"=>"No response",
"101"=>"Switching Protocols",
"203"=>"Non-Authoritative Information",
"204"=>"No Content",
"205"=>"Reset Content",
"206"=>"Partial Content",
"300"=>"Multiple Choices",
"301"=>"Moved Permanently",
"303"=>"See Other",
"304"=>"Not Modified",
"305"=>"Use Proxy",
"307"=>"Temporary Redirect",
"400"=>"Bad Request",
"402"=>"Payment Required",
"404"=>"Not Found",
"405"=>"Method Not Allowed",
"406"=>"Not Acceptable",
"407"=>"Proxy Authentication Required",
"408"=>"Request Timeout",
"411"=>"Length Required",
"412"=>"Precondition Failed",
"413"=>"Request Entity Too Large",
"414"=>"Request-URI Too Long",
"415"=>"Unsupported Media Type",
"416"=>"Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
"417"=>"Expectation Failed",
"500"=>"Internal Server Error",
"501"=>"Not Implemented",
"502"=>"Bad Gateway",
"503"=>"Service Unavailable",
"504"=>"Gateway Timeout",
"505"=>"HTTP Version Not Supported"
I need your email checker hack asap. We've had a couple of
spam attacks within the last couple of weeks, and people are
starting to get a little annoyed. Thanks a bunch.
I had to uninstall this hack. It made viewing some member's profiles wat too slow and it even gave me a "no response" on a link that when clicked, works fine. It definitely needs some tweaking somewhere.
Originally posted by Boofo I had to uninstall this hack. It made viewing some member's profiles wat too slow and it even gave me a "no response" on a link that when clicked, works fine. It definitely needs some tweaking somewhere.
Hmm yea, It might slow the page down a little depending on your server's speed, what it does is connects to the server the page and on and checks the page and exracts the headers and then outputs it, I might be able to ass a timeout to it so if it takes to long to connect to the server, it stops instead of showing a no respomse, but if ou have a fast server like I do and some others do, you should see just a slight speed difference if any at all
It was fast on all the other profiles. I just had one that it slowed to a crawl on. That was the one that reported back "no response" but when you clicked on the link, his site came up fine.
Originally posted by limey No offense, but what's the point of this hack? To make sure a web site in a profile is up and running?
BTW Slynderdale I think your hacks are truly creative, I'm just trying to understand this one better.
Yea, it tells you the current status of the site I the profile and you can also use the function any wheres you want, not just for the member page and even not just for the forum. If you have a link list page, this can come in handy.
If you wanna add this to the postbit in admin/functions.php find:
PHP Code:
if ($post[showemail] and $displayemails) {
eval("\$post[useremail] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_useremail")."\";");
} else {
and replace it with:
PHP Code:
if ($post[showemail] and $displayemails) {
if ($post[homepage]!="http://" and $post[homepage]!="www" and $post[homepage]!="http://www." and $post[homepage]!="") {
$page_status = check_url($post[homepage]);
eval("\$post[useremail] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_useremail")."\";");
} else {
Then place $page_status any wheres in the postbit you want, it will just show the page status so you maybe want to add (Status: $page_status) if you want, its up to you.
Also use this at your own risk, I havn't tested it in the post so I have no idea on how it will affect the server load or page loading time or any thing like that, If you do use this, please post and tell me how it works out.