Version: 1.00, by Erwin
Developer Last Online: May 2013
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 10-23-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 100
No support by the author.
vB Hangman 1.2
The classic word game is now integrated into your forums.
Features :
1) Allow/ Disallow guest access to Hangman in Admin CP
2) Set number of attempts in Admin CP
3) Add words in Admin CP
4) Use words of any length
5) Use as many words as you want
7) Ability to use NUMBERS and CHARACTERS like ! or ?
8) Totally integrated into your forums, with your forum colors and layout
9) Easy installation file that you run to automatically add database settings
10) Store hack version of the hangman.php courtesy of Zajako
Installation :
1) Upload vbhangman_install.php to your admin directory, and run it, and then follow the instructions (you can run it again to uninstall this hack). This will add settings to your database automatically. Delete this file after you have done this.
2) Upload hangman.php to your forum directory.
3) Make a hangman subdirectory in your images directory. Upload the image files to the images/hangman subdirectory.
4) Make a new template "hangman" and add the contents of the hangman.txt file into this.
5) Go to your Admin CP, then to the vBulletin Options section, and set whether you want guests to have access to Hangman, how many attempts you allow (default is 6, any higher and you will need to add your own custom hangman images), and then add your words. Separate each word or words or each sentence with a comma. For example...
hello,yahoo!,3 blind mice,12 apostles,vbulletin,good morning,good afternoon,this is cool
Originally posted by Ninth Dimension some suggestions for you, if you want to make them that is
1, Although a lot more hard work, maybe you can allow words with descriptions and spaces, numbers, etc...
I didn't make it clear enough in my first post, but you can already already use a SENTENCE, or MULTIPLE WORDS in your hangman game.
Separate each word or words or each sentence with a comma. For example...
hello,vbulletin,good morning,good afternoon,this is cool
You can also use numbers (eg. 1 2 3 4) or special characters (eg. ! ? $) in the words - these numbers and special characters will just show up automatically, and the member will have to guess just the alphabets.
2, although cheating (by pressing the back button) is not really a major problem (after all, the only person they are cheating is themselves), maybe this can be prevented?
They will be cheating themselves. The hack relies on dynamic variables. To prevent back button cheating would require the answers being put into the database, which will increase server load. As this is not a serious hack, I don't think it warrants this move.
3, something that I would like to see is some type of intregration with the arcade so users can play and will get a score based on the number of correct words guessed (but maybe this could wait for a more advanced verson of the script)
if I think of anymore, i'll let you know
I actually use John's arade, not futurereal's arcade. If anyone wants to make a version of hangman.php for the arcade feel free - all I ask is that you post it in this thread, and not in a separate thread.
Remember, you are not restricted to only single words - multiple words and sentences are fine.
Also, the picture of the hangman can be modified - have a picture of you, or anything else you want to use.
@Erwin - I meant that as a reply to Ninth Dimension's post :
this is true, but the only person being cheated by this is the cheater
What I meant was that if this is integrated with The Store, if the user gets it wrong, they could go back loads of times over, and gain loads of points...