Yeah i know am i over doing it yet? well this is my latest hack... once again big thanks to Goldknight for helping me Beta Test...
What does this hack do? (sorry but i really like this hack myself )
It allows Users to have custom who's online locations to override the regular wol locations... for instance if you're an Administrator and you don't want ppl seeing what you're doing you just add your own Custom Who's Online Location....
It comes with a setup in the vbulletin options section for configuring if moderators can have custom who's online locations and same with registered users (also you can limit this to them via post count )
It also comes with a admin cp based file to manage custom whos online locations as well...
Well hopefully yet another successful hack... by all means Enjoy it
What to Do?
// +++++++++++++++++++++
Queries to Run (7)
File Modification (5)
Template Modification (2)
Templates to Add (1)
Files to Upload (1) [ admin_wol.php ] admin directory
Well please do enjoy if you like this hack i'd be more then grateful if you clicked install regards...
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
g-force, i was wondering if you could lend a hand here... i love the hack, but here's what happened.
i ran the db queries, and then went into my vb options to submit, like the instructions say... but i didn't see them.
figuring something must have gone wrong, i ran the queries again. now i know what went wrong (sort of). the options weren't placed in their own section of the vb options. instead, they were integrated with another hack i have on... myBookmarks. so when i look in that section in vb options now, there are the WOL options... two of each.
now, i'm not a db expert, but i think it's because the settinggroupid is 32 and the myBookmarks querries have the same settinggroupid.
i also have the warnings hack on 40, default pms on 41 and dynamic announcements on 42.
my question is this.
can i delete both of the entries that were made in the wrong location (wrong for me, not necessarily everyone else), and then re-enter them, in say settinggroupid 43?
if that's possible, can you show me how?
and if i sound like a complete n00b here, it's cause i am when it comes to this stuff.
Originally posted by Buddha thanks bud.
and now i will sound like a n00b, cause i had no idea this setting page was there, and holy crap, it's pretty useful.
thanks again.
yep i didn't know about it either you have to be in debug mode but i was just going through php files one day and found it out on accident if you're in debug mode i believe that it does show on your admin cp menu panel if not then it doesn't regards... glad it worked...
actually, i could still use those querries if you don't mind... you mentioned you could quickly make some up.
i don't know enough about db querries and didn't want to screw anything up.
i deleted all of the duplicate old ones that were 32. should i just edit your set and change all of the 32's to 43's?
would that work?