Yes, you can type in trailing spaces when you log in, but those spaces do not change the actual username in the database.
But that is the issue. How do I stop those those trailing spaces at login? I use this authentication script to be able to allow members to connect to a gameserver and with the trailing spaces, they can bypass the character limits by creating ghost accounts, thereby having unlimited player characters.
When I login to my dev site, and look at the username retrieved from the login form ($vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username']) it has already been trimmed of any leading/trailing spaces.
When I login to my dev site, and look at the username retrieved from the login form ($vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username']) it has already been trimmed of any leading/trailing spaces.
Then I suppose its not possible. Okay, fair enough. Thanks for trying.
How are your users logging onto the game server...are they required to manually enter their username?
They enter their username and password into the game and the game pings the auth.php file on the webserver and depending on the response, it either logs you in, says wrong information or says you've been banned.
Okay, then the code used for the game login would have to be edited to trim the usernames entered.
This is what I sent to Support:
Originally Posted by Seraphyn
I am needing some help dealing with an issue with the login protocols. For example say my account name is "johnsmith12" and I can login with that name. However, I can also put in johnsmith with 5 spaces after the name and then click login and that will also log my in. For example [johnsmith12 ]... Is there a way to prevent this?
And this is the response I got:
Originally Posted by vBulletin Support
The system ignores the spaces after the username. You would need to modify the code to not allow that.
When I asked which file I needed to modify, they basically stated that I needed to ask over here because it dealt with modifying the original code.