Linux Mint is solid. I rarely have an issue. It just works. They have several different distributions to satisfy the majority of users. The best part of Mint is, they listen to feedback from the users and address the bugs and or feature requests in a timely manner. They also have long term support releases for production environments. I installed Mint on my mothers PC and she didn't know the difference until she tried to install her favorite Windows game, otherwise she would still be using it.
LOL bet that was a surprise! I just downloaded and burned the latest Mint 17.1 I think it was. Gonna give it a go in a few days probably and see. Found that I can finally use Lightroom with Wine so i might be able to switch YAY!
I use a dark green color scheme with fish as my desktop background. I do not like the Hell Red color of ubuntu.
I've not seen it, but now I wanna install it just so I can. Post up a screenshot of your Dark Green theme, I can't visualize it behind the purple and pink tiles.......
I hate the color scheme of ubuntu. It would be hard for me to use it for 5 min without throwing up...
Its pretty easy to customize you know. Actually its easier to customize than Windoze anything is at least if you are using the Gnome desktop. I have not really used any other desktop except KDE. You can completely change all the colors to what ever you want in ANY Linux distro. You installed it, looked around for 10 minutes realized you could not run WOW on it easily or install it with an exe file and uninstalled it. You did not give it a chance at all so you really cannot say that you would not like it since you actually really DO NOT KNOW since you did not try.
Originally Posted by Replicant
I've not seen it, but now I wanna install it just so I can. Post up a screenshot of your Dark Green theme, I can't visualize it behind the purple and pink tiles.......
I have tried. I finished my new basic PC and installed ubuntu. I used it for bout 5 minutes and almost threw up. the next day i wiped the drive and installed windows. How would it be easier to customize if i had a gnome as my desktop background?
Gnome is not a background. Its a desktop environment. Linux (unlike windows) gives you several options as to how you want your desktop to be laid out, look, what links you want, if you want icons, if you do not want them, if you want menus, if you do not, what kind of menus etc. Its an entire desktop not just a background. The background is just an image file and you can get that ANYWHERE and put any background on any OS desktop. So you can completely customize your PC environment and set it up exactly how you want with what you want.