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Old 01-17-2015, 09:58 PM
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I am registered on countless sites from here and am active on a few that I have helped over the years... I get the generic vbulletin birthday greetings every year... I appreciate everything all of you have done for this community.
If I could, I would give to you all because you all deserve it.
I think you are all awesome.

This is all a great hobby to me, I could care less if anyone registers on my sites... I just enjoy editing vbulletin code and helping others if I can.
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Digital Jedi, Max Taxable, RichieBoy67
Old 01-17-2015, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by NickTheGreek View Post
You need a second one? That's one is not enought for spending someone 3 min to register somewhere? The coders needs X 10 times more just to short out which of 100's of the posts are bug reports, which are questions or suggestions etc.
I'm not entirely sure you get what I'm saying. I'm talking about the reason an average user might register on another site. I'm not referring to the reason you, as an author, would want them to. Those are two different things.

Like??.... From my experiance type of appretiation that I experianced are:

1.- Demo? Don't you have a demo? You're setting a demo and the next question: Demo account login? It asked me to register (usally a 1 min task as most demo installation does not have email confirmations etc etc).

2.- Very nice addon. Can you please add A... B.. and C? If you do the mistake to add something, then: Very nice. Thank you for adding A & B. Now can you also add D, E and maybe F features.

3.- In my site "mysite.com" I want to add this xxx special feature. Can you add it?

4.- I got error "xxxx"....... after 2 hours without reply, a new post with those red face icons "No support, Uninstalled, I hate xxx coder", even if a quick look in my postbit can shows that when the post made it was 3am for me.

5.- How many types of bad appreciations do you want me to list? There are dozens more...
As the developer of a handful of add-ons, I greatly appreciate when someone tells me when something isn't working. I want to know that, more than I want to be congratulated. I want to make my product better. The "thanks you"s and "Likes" are great, and stroke my ego in the moment. But, ultimately, feedback is the only thing that makes the product better. And if my product isn't the best it can be, if it isn't functional in certain situations, if I didn't make an instruction explicitly clear, if there's errors in the code or design, then I'm not doing as much as I could be to improve the community. We show each other appreciation by helping each other with problems that come up as administrators. We help the less experienced, and many of those will one day do the same. We help each other in fields that one may understand better than another, and create a situation where that knowledge is now accessible and searchable to the group. It's not about direct reciprocated adulation. The community would end up dysfunctional if it only worked that way. If a few people flip-out because they don't understand how that all works and don't grasp how free support is handled, well, administration is probably not for them. Doesn't mean the appreciation is not there. It's just not an ego stroke, which, as I said, isn't all that useful or helpful in the long run.
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Old 01-18-2015, 02:23 AM
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The failure to increase readership is not on the reader but the writer.

The only reason to register at a website is because it offers something of value to the reader.


Tip for those who want to grow their readership...

Focus on what people need and you will create a following.

Stop talking about yourself. It's never about you.

It's about me.
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Max Taxable, puertoblack2003, RichieBoy67
Old 01-18-2015, 02:54 AM
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Originally Posted by ozzy47 View Post
You would be surprised at how many people pissed and moaned because I have them register at my site to get the updated spiders list. They say, well put it on here, or I will just get it from a warez site.

Real classy.

Originally Posted by NickTheGreek View Post
Like??.... From my experiance type of appretiation that I experianced are:

2.- Very nice addon. Can you please add A... B.. and C? If you do the mistake to add something, then: Very nice. Thank you for adding A & B. Now can you also add D, E and maybe F features.
First: If you want people to register on your site and post bugs there then you have to tell them that. They are not mind readers. I see many developers on here do that and I'm sure they have people do just that to get free support.

Second: If this bothers you then perhaps you should not ask people what they think will improve the mod. If you ask them then they are likely to reply and tell you what they wanted on their site. Why would they be looking for something that does not work with their site? Why would they ask for things that would not be beneficial to THEIR web site. As a programmer and coder its up to you whether you want to add it or not and they know that. If all of this is because of THIS post that I made then I do not know what to tell you. As I said in the post you asked if the link you posted was what I was thinking and it was not quite what I was thinking. So I spent quite a bit of time myself posting about what i was looking for. That post did not take me 5 minutes to put together. You know just because I made that post does not mean I want you to run out and code that right this second or at all. I was not asking for you to do all those things within a free mod that you have for download here. I, of all people, understand that time is money and that being a freelancer is difficult. But if this is your answer to my post then I guess you are not quite as professional as I first thought or perhaps you have changed from several years ago. A professional would have said in the mod thread possibly something like, "I'm sorry, but I do not have _______ planned for this mod at this time, thanks." I'm just trying to help you but if you do not want it then that is fine, I won't.

Originally Posted by Lynne View Post
If everyone who downloaded one of my mods also registered on my site, they would just get pruned since I don't keep inactive members on my site. Of course, my site has nothing to do with my modifications. But, you are really making an assumption here that registration numbers actually mean anything. It is *active* members that mean something to a site.
ROFL. Er yeah and they would be lost and not know what the heck to do for most of them anyways. I'm a member there.
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Old 01-18-2015, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by HM666 View Post
First: If you want people to register on your site and post bugs there then you have to tell them that. They are not mind readers.
It's on the top of the product's page with red letters since the release of the 1.0.0 version.

Originally Posted by HM666 View Post
Second: If this bothers you then perhaps you should not ask people what they think will improve the mod.
First, what I remember (maybe I'm wrong) is that I had said clearly that the main focus is to fix bugs from microCART. Even more I've said that it will be a version just for downloadable products. What I asked was to report any bugs, and to comment on my idea to add donations.

Secondary and most important. Reffering microCART/eCommerce was just an example. A simple search in ALL (really ALL) plugins from any coder, you'll see just by reading the first 1-2 pages, requests for new features.

Originally Posted by HM666 View Post
If all of this is because of THIS post that I made...
Definetelly not!. I just got the idea that you're looking for something like this and I remembered a post that I've did some 1 1/2 year ago.
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Old 01-18-2015, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by NickTheGreek View Post
EXACTLY !! This is what I want to say but my dammit English can't help me to express my real thoughts and feelings. Even the "Lost appratiation" don't know if it's the right word (or the best word).

To come back on me. I know (and I accept is as true), that many times I gave up my site, I even asked TheLastSuperman to Ban me for ever as a way to give up completely from this site. But I DON'T accept as true what some members are saying that I dropped my mods. That's not true. I gave them, now to Ozzy47, earlier to micheal332001 etc. Only Ozzzy47 kept his word to continue supporting them.

I found my microCART and microSUPPORT being dead. Two mods that I've spent some months to code. And started from microCART not only I fixed all known bugs but I added more and more features. While others were celebrating Christmas and New Year Eve, I was with my pyjamas trying to fix them. Yes, I got many Likes and Thank you. But as you can see my site has 5 members only, with 2 of them to be me and a demo account. Pitty
Meh, since you decided to bring my name into it... Yes and No.

You requested but then ultimately you directly called for it in a thread and violated the rules. Furthermore despite my recent posts in your mod thread and contrary to the belief many may have surmised from such a post about not using a mod if you don't believe the authors integrity is of some value based on past behavior, I agree with the OP who posted and I will not install a mod by you even if I do have the ability to maintain it myself. You've caused more trouble for members here in my opinion by doing the same thing countless times. I've never known any other coder to do that, ever. I could point out several other things including lies to me directly however I won't be specific I'll just say that I hate seeing threads like this from you, I see no value in them whatsoever.
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Old 01-18-2015, 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman View Post
Meh, since you decided to bring my name into it... Yes and No.

You requested but then ultimately you directly called for it in a thread and violated the rules. Furthermore despite my recent posts in your mod thread and contrary to the belief many may have surmised from such a post about not using a mod if you don't believe the authors integrity is of some value based on past behavior, I agree with the OP who posted and I will not install a mod by you even if I do have the ability to maintain it myself. You've caused more trouble for members here in my opinion by doing the same thing countless times. I've never known any other coder to do that, ever. I could point out several other things including lies to me directly however I won't be specific I'll just say that I hate seeing threads like this from you, I see no value in them whatsoever.
I've understood fine what you wrote after "You've caused more....." but nothing before. Strange that even Google translator does not gives a meanful translation. Are you speaking a dialect of English? Nothing bad on it. Just to know. Even in Greek there are so many dialects that I don't understand.

Also should be very useful to readers if you use paragraphs. A long sentence with different meaning is not the right way. That's why there are paragraphs. To seperate meanings.

As for "hate seeing threads..." didn't expected to read such word from you.

"OP" ??? What it does means? Why most English speaking people are thinking that we must know the abbreviations? We have problem to fully understand the normal phrases, how is possible to understand the abbreviations? It's an international forum.

When I'll understand the first sentence I'll come back to comment it.
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Old 01-18-2015, 08:20 AM
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I know the language barrier can be difficult, exacerbated by the fact that Google Translate can be...wiggy. (Nope, that last word won't translate. But you get the idea.) OP is short for Original Poster or Thread Starter. Basically, he's saying he finds this thread, and the ones you've started that are similar to this one, troublesome. I think I know which thread you're both referring to, where you asked to be banned. I'm pretty sure you can't ask that publicly.
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Old 01-18-2015, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Digital Jedi View Post
I know the language barrier can be difficult, exacerbated by the fact that Google Translate can be...wiggy. (Nope, that last word won't translate. But you get the idea.) OP is short for Original Poster or Thread Starter. Basically, he's saying he finds this thread, and the ones you've started that are similar to this one, troublesome. I think I know which thread you're both referring to, where you asked to be banned. I'm pretty sure you can't ask that publicly.
Thank you. I thought that OP means something like Operator. Anyway. Do you know where is that thread? I thought that our discussion was only by PMs.

And what bad does this thread has? I'm just wrote my opinion. Some users agreed with me, some others no. It's normal. Never said that I hate you (please is just as example) because in some points you don't agree with me.

And what I'm saying here again is not about my mods. For a proof look here:

It's not mine mod. But I felt frustated when I read just in the second post:
"Very nice work, any chance of adding ad locations in search results such as forum display, etc? Also nice might be controlling ad views by usergroup..."
so humanly I replied: "Let the author get a breath. Is just one day only that he released the mod". You can't find it as it has been removed. But you can understand it from the next post.

I've heard many times that people don't like my personality. Acceptable. What I'm saying to my daughter is to avoid finding a man like me. I know very well my habits. But my God, here is not a Dating site to criticize me depending my personality but depending my work. I'm not looking for life partner here

So as long as my post is a general post, what's the bad with it?
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Old 01-18-2015, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by NickTheGreek View Post
It's not mine mod. But I felt frustated when I read just in the second post:
"Very nice work, any chance of adding ad locations in search results such as forum display, etc? Also nice might be controlling ad views by usergroup..."
so humanly I replied: "Let the author get a breath. Is just one day only that he released the mod". You can't find it as it has been removed. But you can understand it from the next post.
Yes, it was removed at the time, and quite correctly as well.
It was not your modification, and not your position to be criticizing members who post requests to the actual coder (who, for all you know, might have been quite happy to get the suggestion).

I have no clue what this thread is supposed to be about either, but I do know that arguments with other members will get it closed, so I suggest you move away from that.
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