Version: 1.00, by belowthebelt
Developer Last Online: Feb 2013
Category: Moderators Functions -
Version: 4.1.8
Released: 12-12-2011
Last Update: 12-13-2011
Installs: 28
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Hello everyone,
I recently hired a coder to do a complete rewrite of this hack because it's so darn useful, I asked the coder to completely rewrite it from the bottom up; I have explicit permission to share this freely with the community & it's my pleasure to give back.
To install the product upload the content of forum folder to your forum's root directory and import product-kirky_moderatorcheckpoint_117.xml file.
Please note that all manual template edits described in old installation for 3.x.x instruction document are no longer needed (and are not valid). Now all edits are done automatically using PHP.
Just upload and import, thats it!
For boards with a large moderating staff, it can be difficult to know who has checked what post and which threads are completely checked. The goal of the Moderator Checkpoint System is to ensure that moderators don't read over the same post(s) twice, leaving them to spend this time checking other posts/threads.
The core functionality of the Moderator Checkpoint System (MCS) is the ability (for those with appropriate permission) to mark threads/posts as having been "Checked" - indicating that no further action is required and the thread(s)/post(s) has/have been given the OK by a Staff Member. When a post is marked as checked, the checking user's User ID, Username, and a timestamp is stored in the database. This information then appears on the checked post(s), and the post will change markup (depending on your customizations through the included options) indicating the post has been checked. This process is, of course, completely invisible to the community at-large, and only those Users with adequate permission will be allowed to Check/Uncheck and view Checked posts/threads.
Because some Moderators may like to browse forums normally, a feature has been integrated that will allow each user to Enable/Disable viewing the forum in "Moderation Mode" at their leisure. Disabling Moderation Mode will return the display of posts/threads to their normal state.
Hm now I made an update to 4.1.10.
But the options on Forumhome to turn Moderation Mode on and off are gone. I don't know why. Even installing the mod again didn't fix the problem
I just checked on my 4.1.12 test site and it works fine.
Don't forget.. you need to give the moderators permission to use the system under Forums & Moderators > Show Moderators > Edit Permissions and then the moderator must click to turn the system on in the upper right corner.
Sorry Lynne but this does not work in 4.2. I have the moderators/admins permissions set for the forums. I installed everything but I still do not see a notification link at the top of the forum even if I'm using the default skin. It still does not show. Makes me think that possibly there was a hook change or some sort of change recently in the header template where it is no longer calling the notifications in the header.
So far I only experienced one issue, that´s related to checking amounts of posts or whole threads and the active moderation mode. Every checked post has a line "Checked by <xyz> on <date> at <time>. If you´re running in active moderation mode or you try to mark more than one posting this line appears in most of the checked posts, in some not. No idea why this happens. Anyone?