I love this modification and adjusting multiple styles that are not a "child-style" is made super easy using it!
This modification allows you to do the following:
Import / Export standard and custom vBulletin templates, single, multiple.
Copy multiple templates to multiple styles.
Delete multiple templates from multiple styles.
Save multiple templates in template history.
View Template History including between version changes.
Some may never use this as others do, it depends on how often you customize your site imo and how many styles you have. For someone like me who designs styles it's actually quite a useful tool and I would assume for those who love adding in new styles for their members or mods for that matter that they customize afterwords would love it as well.
*Think of it this way, if you add a new mod in that creates templates and you modified the mods template for whatever reason - it's only modified in one style - now export that styles single modified template out using this system - now import it back into all styles... you just saved quite a bit of time, you did not manually edit the same template in all your styles and yet they are all updated!
I've made minimum changes to the code, a color change and some text changes mainly for rewording and making sense. I did PM Dream to notify him of this release, sadly he has not been on since September of 2010 so all I ask is this, if you like the mod please send him a PM and say thanks or post below thanking "Dream" not myself .
1. Upload the contents of the "upload" folder into your forum root.
2. Refresh the Admin Control Panel Page/Window in your browser (f5 on keyboard usually)
3. Look for "Template Manager" on the left.
- Enjoy!
*Please note - This modification is meant to make copying template edits between styles in the same version very easy and it has other useful features. Please do not assume that you can export all templates, do an upgrade and import again with 100% functionality as that is possible however highly improbable and would be the same as importing for example a 4.0.7 style into a 4.1.0 site... that will not work plain and simple! Now you can use it in conjunction with the built in comparison utility for templates and ultimately make correcting an old style easier and quicker than waiting on an update for your custom free or paid skin etc etc.
See post #35
Originally Posted by Taurus1
I used this mod for the first time today after installing a new skin. It took me about 3 minutes, instead of the 3 hours of template edits. I want to again thank you for a fantastic mod!!
Man, this is fantastic. I love different styles, and currently have 15, so this mod is really going to make a huge difference for me. Thank you very very much!
Anyone tested it on 4.1.1 yet?
All thanks go to Dream he thought it up first and was kind hearted enough to mark it as re-usable code
Originally Posted by Taurus1
Thanks. Want to install, yet after 2 downloads, I cannot find the product file to install. I just have the upload folder.
Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
Upload everything in the upload folder, go into your AdminCP, re-fresh your browser. You should now see a new option on your left.... It's that easy
Thought superman was impervious to migranes... lol
Thanks for your hard work!
That and my three are my only Kryptonite lol!
I can't take credit for this truly thanks go to Dream please thank him here otherwise it would not be posted . I was up late catching up on a few things and noticed a missing ; after a css definition and corrected it, new .zip uploaded it should not be an issue I'm just a stickler .
More then often, when we update vBulletin... All our little "tweaks" need to be re-applied. I'd like to see a mod which would save those "tweaks" and then at a click of a button... Re-apply them.
That's what you are looking for (works on 4.x too)