For people who don't want to see censored text (******) in their posts this mod will prevent a user from even submitting a new post or thread that has any word that would be censored. They will be forced to change it or it simply won't post. (Now works on post edits as well.)
You can demo this by trying post in the Testing Forum at You can try posting the "F" word or other major curse words which are censored here.
Options included to limit checking on thread titles or only post bodies, or both. Also option to use on specific forums instead of all forums on your site.
Works on all vBulletin versions out there, VB 3.6.x through 4.2.x and will work on 4.3.x I'm sure as well.
I'd like to thank kh99 for helping me find the right hook to use on this mod.
Please Mark As Installed if you use this. Donations Always Appreciated. :up:
I installed this on 4.1.3 and found that if a member posts it says not to use the censored word. If they submit a post without a censored word then click on edit post, they can then add the word to the post without the censor kicking in and blocking it.
Thanks for this only tagged for now most likely will install in the next few days. Some may want this as they provide specific software support and may not want other (competitors) mentioned.
Does this work as well via PM's? Would be a nice addition.
Thanks BOP5. As soon as it does PM's and over on posts I seen users can post then edit and it seems to allow bad words? Well I thought I recalled seeing a user state that in this thread.
Question: Is there a way to make this not use my censored words list and just use the words I add into the space you provide in the settings?
Rational: If someone posts a message with the 'F' word, I would like the generic replacement of the "****" rather than asking the member to go back and remove the censored word. On the other hand, there are some words/URLs I want to block and notify the member to go back and correct the post before it is allowed to be posted.
Question: Is there a way to make this not use my censored words list and just use the words I add into the space you provide in the settings?
Rational: If someone posts a message with the 'F' word, I would like the generic replacement of the "****" rather than asking the member to go back and remove the censored word. On the other hand, there are some words/URLs I want to block and notify the member to go back and correct the post before it is allowed to be posted.
I understand what you are saying but it would require almost a complete rewrite of the mod for it to work like that. The censored word list is fundamental to how this is currently coded.
I understand what you are saying but it would require almost a complete rewrite of the mod for it to work like that. The censored word list is fundamental to how this is currently coded.
I understand, Joe, and appreciate the quick response. Thanks for your consideration anyway.