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Facades Resurrection - Run multiple unique sites with one VB database (BETA) (3.7-4) Details »»
Facades Resurrection - Run multiple unique sites with one VB database (BETA) (3.7-4)
Version: 1.00, by BirdOPrey5 (Senior Member) BirdOPrey5 is offline
Developer Last Online: Aug 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Miscellaneous Hacks - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 09-24-2010 Last Update: 09-24-2010 Installs: 17
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Translations Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

This mod is being released AS IS...

The original mod was moved to the Graveyard. I suggest you read up on it here:

I did not program this mod and can not provide any support.

The original coder was: ibautocommunity

He marked this as "resuable code" so I have re-uploaded it so someone might find this and further develop it.

If you can develop this please include credit to the original author- I didn't change anything but the version number and thread URL so I need no credit.

Please release updates on vBulletin.org for the benefit of the community.

Thank You.

PS. According to vBulletin you MUST have a separate license for each domain with unique content so this mod does not allow you to make multiple sites for free.

Use at your own risk. I do not even have this installed on my own site but it has been reported to work with 3.7.x, 3.8.x and 4.0.x versions... Make sure you make backups before testing on a live site.

This info was from the original post when this mod was released:
We didn't have any plans to ever release this product; but lots of people expressed interest in having this feature. We are releasing the product as is, it's very basic but has proven to work rather well on vB 3.8 and also happens to work on 4.0. We do not have plans to expand this product or continue development - we do encourage anyone interested to use the code to continue developing the product. For example, it does not currently provide any support for displaying different CMS based on the domain settings, but that could be a pretty cool feature! Sorry, but no support will be provided for this product; this is ideal for all the do-it-yourselfers on vB.org and may not be the best product for the beginners!

What this product does:
This product will allow you to use 1 vBulletin installation and admin control panel for what will look like "different" vBulletin forums and domains. For example, domain-x.com has it's own style + forum categories; domain-y.com also has it's own style + forum categories; but they use the same vBulletin installation and control panel. It also has options to customize vBAdvanced (if you have it) and limit the search results to the specific domain.

What this product does NOT do:
This product will not allow you to get around vBulletin licensing; you will need a separate license for each domain.

How does this work?
The product detects custom domains and sub-domains; once detected, it shows a predefined style and forumid range to the users. This makes it look like you have two or more different vBulletin sites.

* Please note that you will have to already have the hosts configured before adding them into the configuration in vBulletin. Talk to your web-hosting provider to make sure your new domains and sub-domains actually resolve and work.
Install XML in product manager
Go to vB Options or vB Settings and find IB Facades options
Read examples and basic instructions in the option screen

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Copyright (c) 2009, InternetBrands, llc.
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the name of "InternetBrands, llc" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

Licensed vBulletin customers are free to share, copy, distribute and transmit product code.

Licensed vBulletin customers are free to remix and adapt product code.

Under the following conditions, the name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
As you can see this mod was originally released by Internet Brands.

Download Now

File Type: zip Facades.zip (5.6 KB, 262 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Old 11-17-2010, 01:20 AM
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My version was having a search issue eg: when you go to members profile and click Find Posts started by [user] etc however we are in the middle of fixing up the code and hope to have it done tonight and then we will be testing it on the site.

Check out http://www.webmasters-resort.com to begin with, two of our boards (Sportainment and Sports Force) are offline while we change some things but it will show you how these things are working etc.
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Old 11-17-2010, 01:33 AM
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is this mod so you can share users across multiple vbulletin sites?
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Old 11-17-2010, 02:04 AM
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Yes... 1 user database over multiple forums- but you need to buy a separate license for each forum you run- even though it's only 1 install.
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Old 11-26-2010, 02:57 PM
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VB4 users check out this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:54 PM
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I'm getting this error after installation:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/modules/recentthreads.php(315) : eval()'d code on line 20
My settings are:

Does anyone have a clue?

I have over 400 forums. Do I need to enter all forumids in the catid array or only the main category forumids?
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Old 12-01-2010, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
We had a discussion about this on vbulletin.com, I was told by other users it was probably at the request of the author- there wasn't any known security exploit or major error- it seems like Internet Brands simply decided for whatever reasons they no longer wanted to further develop this mod. Because it is so unique I (and others) felt it would be of service to the community to re-release it in hopes it might spur further development.
Yes and no, he did state it was to improve it and they did just that for 4.x here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197

Many of us had a copy from the first release that does not mean since it said re-usable code that I or anyone else would simply upload it (besides you apparently) without making changes and adding in features due to the reason it was removed and how it was specifically stated it would be revised and re-released for 4.x. On top of that, imo you don't have the ability to properly support or add new features for 3.x - If I'm wrong please correct me.

Edit: I was wrong about Joe I must admit, he is offering support for this to the best of his ability imo and also helping out moreso in the Cerebrus thread too so my sincere apologies for jumping the gun Joe!
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Old 12-01-2010, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman View Post
Yes and no, he did state it was to improve it and they did just that for 4.x here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197

Many of us had a copy from the first release that does not mean since it said re-usable code that I or anyone else would simply upload it (besides you apparently) without making changes and adding in features due to the reason it was removed and how it was specifically stated it would be revised and re-released for 4.x. On top of that, imo you don't have the ability to properly support or add new features for 3.x - If I'm wrong please correct me.
1- Reusable code means yes I can reupload since the original mod is down...
2- I confirmed the above with vb.org staff beforehand
3- I did make minor changes
4- Many mods here are marked unsupported... even more are marked supported but aren't...
5- I could add some features if I thought it would be of value, within reason.

Why would you want to deny this mod to all the people interested?
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Old 12-01-2010, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
1- Reusable code means yes I can reupload since the original mod is down...
2- I confirmed the above with vb.org staff beforehand
3- I did make minor changes
4- Many mods here are marked unsupported... even more are marked supported but aren't...
5- I could add some features if I thought it would be of value, within reason.

Why would you want to deny this mod to all the people interested?
That's not how I intended my words to be interpreted...

Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
I looked through this code... is there any reason it wouldn't work on 3.8? It installed fine but I don't have other domains to test this yet.
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
Thanks, that's what I'm thinking too... If I can ever test it on 3.8 I'll let you know.
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
FYI while it does install on 3.8 it causes a fatal error on the login/logout screen due to some 4.0 php code (VB Class?) so it will need SOME edit to work on 3.8.x.
^ I mean based on your comments and current modification releases I simply don't see how your qualified to post this, agreed that your offering no support same as the 4.x version however your in her doing so with simple things so that tells me you don't grasp what's going on in the entire modification your only answering what suites you and then will fall back on "Not supported" or offer an excuse if someone posts a pertinent question imo. I hate to say it but I suspect your a script kiddie - hey I could be wrong as many have assumed that by my low class mod releases until they have a custom product coded and installed on their site so again maybe I'm wrong however when you state a ? mark after vB Class above and you mention in another post how you make it a point to state your a "Coder/Designer" on vb.org with the quality of your releases it makes me wonder, honestly it does in a professional sense and why I worded it "softly" to begin with, sorry to drag it out in the open further but I do not want to deny anyone I simply believe everyone deserves better.

As I said, if I'm wrong feel free to correct me, I've been guilty of foot --> in mouth before we're all human.
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:52 PM
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I'm not qualified to post this? Really? Maybe you could point me to the test I need to take before I have your blessing to post things?

Seriously... What does it say in my initial post... let me paste it here:

I did not program this mod and can not provide any support.


He marked this as "resuable code" so I have re-uploaded it so someone might find this and further develop it.

If you can develop this please include credit to the original author- I didn't change anything but the version number and thread URL so I need no credit.
Nothing would make me happier than a better coder than I take over this mod and post it here for the community to enjoy. Besides the "re-usable code" I give explicit permission- nay, explicit encouragement for someone to further develop this mod.

I didn't post this for any other reason then to energize interest in development of this mod. Who knows who might come across this and get that coder's "itch" to take it and run with it.

I just don't get your anger over why this was posted- are you mad you didn't think to post it so now you're not getting credit for the 7 "marked as installed" credits? Because if you want to post it and offer your expert support in your own thread, please do, I will even post a link to it in the top post here directing people to your thread.

I've never heard the term "Script Kiddie" but I can deduce it's a derogatory name more advanced programmers give to those not so advanced... so I guess I am...

hey I could be wrong as many have assumed that by my low class mod releases until they have a custom product coded and installed on their site so again maybe I'm wrong however when you state a ? mark after vB Class above and you mention in another post how you make it a point to state your a "Coder/Designer" on vb.org with the quality of your releases it makes me wonder, honestly it does in a professional sense and why I worded it "softly" to begin with, sorry to drag it out in the open further but I do not want to deny anyone I simply believe everyone deserves better.
I don't know where I stack up in the scheme of things in terms of my vbulletin coding abilities- I'm a self admitted jack of all trades and master of none. Does this put me in the top 50% of coders here or the top 90%, I don't know, I don't usually get into d!ck measuring contests, frankly I know I'll lose. All I know is every week I help many people on this forum, I get lots of thank yous in posts and PMs and I know me being here has helped a large number of people use and enjoy their forums better than had I not been here- and that's all the thanks I need- although the occasional donation is appreciated.

I really have no idea about the VB Class error in question because it's a result of vBulletin 4.x code and I currently have _zero_ desire to learn or support vB4 besides the occasional porting of my own mods.

The reference to being a "Coder/Designer on vb.org" was a joke in another thread. I really don't know who decides who is a Member, Contributor, Coder, Designer, or Coder/Designer... I released a couple of BB Codes and gave some basic PHP help, then I made some graphics to help someone else and I login one day to see I've now been deemed a Coder/Designer... I found it funny at the time... Since then though I have released real mods, template edits, and the like so I guess I grew into it.

What is wrong with the quality of my releases? How have they failed to meet your superior standards?

I'm not a professional coder, I don't claim to be- I don't read journal articles on the pros and cons of new search algorithms. When I make a mod I have Google working overtime searching this site and php.net and anywhere else I can find answers. I'm sorry if you think that doesn't qualify me to release products on this site, but the ~480 installs I do have marked on legitimate mods I'm sure would disagree with you.

I guess you can't please everyone...
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:57 PM
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If BirdOPrey wouldn't have posted it here, it would not be around. He checked with the staff and with the author. Where is the problem?

Would it be better if a developer with higher qualifications takes this over and support it? Sure.
Are you nominating yourself Superman?
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