Version: 2.0.4, by Eric
Developer Last Online: Jun 2023
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 01-20-2010
Last Update: 06-22-2011
Installs: 257
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This is a port of vBISpy by MPDev to vBulletin4. MPDev has given me permission to port this modification, if any staff need to see it, I can forward the PM.
If you use this modification, please >> Mark As Installed, Nominate for MOTM, or Support Developer <<, thank you
What is this!?
vBISpy is an AJAX real-time feed of new posts/threads for your vBulletin 4.0 forum.
Please note that this is currently in Beta. The style is not perfect, but the mod should be fully functionial.
Current Version 2.0.4 - You can find the 3.6.x version, here.
Features flagged for future version(s):
looking for suggestions
Will this work on x.x.x ??
Unless otherwise stated, this will work on all 4.0.x versions. This will not work on 3.x.
Sounds cool. How do I install?
Extract the zip, you should have the following directories/files:
Upload: (in the below instructions 'yourforum' would be where you have vBulletin installed)
vaispy.php to /yourforum/vaispy.php
/clientscript/*.js to /yourforum/clientscript/*.js
/images/misc/*.gif to /yourforum/images/misc/*.gif
Unless noted otherwise, just upload and overwrite 'vaispy.php'.
Virtually all the code to customize the page is in the vaispy.php script; there are no plugins, no templates and no phrases. You do not need to do anything further; this should work right out of the box.
If you'd like to block certain usergroups from viewing vBISpy; or certain forums from being displayed - edit vaispy.php
PHP Code:
* Do not list these forums even if they have
* permissions (test categories, etc)
* Enter them by ID, separated by commans (eg: 1,2,3)
$blockforums = '';
* Do not allow these groups.
* Enter them by ID, separated by commans (eg: 1,2,3)
$blockgroups = '';
Note: Neither I nor MPDev claim ownership of this code except for the file vaispy.php - the rest of the files were using 'freely distributable' (although modified to suit vBISpy) sources. As such, you may use these files as you wish, but please do not remove the copyrights.
Changelog 2.0.4 - June 23, 2011
- Changed 'xml' to 'feed' when the script is requesting data via AJAX
- Updated code that checks for blocked groups and forums so that it works properly.
- Added version string (?v=) to script calls.
- Updated template html to include facebook data if enabled.
- Updated css link rendering to determine if templates are stored as files or not.
2.0.3 - March 25, 2010
- Updated alternate row colors to use stylevars.
- Added ability to block certain usergroups by editing vaispy.php.
- Fixed possible bug where in certain situations a database error would occur.
2.0.2 - January 23, 2010
- Hopefully the incorrect showthread link is now fixed.
- Added alternate row colors.
- Changed default xml delay in va_spy.js to 3000 from 7000.
2.0.1 - January 21, 2010
- Fixed issue with incorrect path to thread statusicon's
- Edits to clientscript/va_spy.js to hopefully fix issues with incorrect showthread link.
- Removed 's from the rows generated if displayed rows are less than 20
2.0.0 - January 21, 2010
- Ported to vBulletin4 with permission from MPDev
If you use this modification, please >> Mark As Installed, Nominate for MOTM, or Support Developer <<, thank you
It appears the most recent five threads get the proper link, and the others get the t=xxxx version.
Attaching a snapshot of my installed products...
I've not been able to reproduce this with my testing - however I will try to look into the code more to see if I can find any problems.
Just out of curiosity, what browser are you using - and have you had any users noticing the same problem? Also, would you mind linking me to your forum? (you can PM if you don't want to post it publicly)
When it pulls up the new threads, those threads are properly linked. Older threads listed on the page, however, get a strange "t=3459" type of syntax, which does not link properly.
Any thoughts?
Otherwise, very cool!
This is a quick a Dirty fix for your problem
Go into the vbispy.php and find