This product integrates with the quicksearch drop down box in NAVBAR; and suggests popular threads while the visitor is typing in search keywords.
Read INSTRUCTIONS.txt for installation instructions.
NOTICE: To fine-tune and configure "relevancy threshold" you must edit /includes/cron/autocomplete-generate.php file. Default installation assumes you have a big discussion forums and suggests only threads which have more than 1000 replies or 1000 views. Edit this number, the query looks like this:
PHP Code:
// This query needs to be customized on a per site basis
$ac_sql = "SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread where threadid between ".$startat." AND ".$endat." AND (views > 1000 OR replycount > 1000) AND visible = '1' ORDER by views DESC";
There is no autocomplete.php; there is autosearch.php, that goes into your forum root folder; then the cron job .php file goes into the /forumroot/includes/cron folder; that's it in terms of file uploads.
There is no autocomplete.php; there is autosearch.php, that goes into your forum root folder; then the cron job .php file goes into the /forumroot/includes/cron folder; that's it in terms of file uploads.
Your instructions mate not mine
STEP #2) Configure writeable directory path in PHP files. To do this, open AUTOCOMPLETE.PHP and /includes/cron/AUTOCOMPLETE-GENERATE.PHP files and FIND & REPLACE:
Apostrophes (') are not working for me in Safari/Firefox (pc & mac). I'm seeing question marks (?) instead. Also, and maybe this is how it's written for now; but it doesn't work in individual forum's search boxes (or sub-forums) for me, but only in the main forum (home) search box (navbar area) this as it should be for now? If so, a request...please add it's functionality everywhere!
I assume we can change highlight colors etc via CSS (the grey and white color scheme, navy blue highlight etc)? If so, where?
Other than that, it's very cool and works for me now. Thank you.
$ac_sql = "SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread where threadid between ".$startat." AND ".$endat." AND (views > 1000 OR replycount > 1000) AND visible = '1' AND open = '1' ORDER by views DESC";
Following will select threads that are not in forums 1,2,3,4,5.
PHP Code:
$ac_sql = "SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread where threadid between ".$startat." AND ".$endat." AND (views > 1000 OR replycount > 1000) AND visible = '1' AND forumid NOT IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5') ORDER by views DESC";
Following will select threads that are only in forums 1,2,3,4,5.
PHP Code:
$ac_sql = "SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread where threadid between ".$startat." AND ".$endat." AND (views > 1000 OR replycount > 1000) AND visible = '1' AND forumid IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5') ORDER by views DESC";
Following will select only open threads that are not in forums 1,2,3,4,5.
PHP Code:
$ac_sql = "SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread where threadid between ".$startat." AND ".$endat." AND (views > 1000 OR replycount > 1000) AND visible = '1' AND open = '1' AND forumid NOT IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5') ORDER by views DESC";
Can this hack be changed so it populates the search box with popular thread titles and not take you directly to the thread?
For example, if someone searches for "Tickle me Elmo", I get a few suggestions. However, when they click on the suggestion, they are taken to very old threads. I would like the thread title to populate the search box and then a regular search is performed based on which auto suggested thread title that was selected.