Soley due to pregnancy. Not allowed peanuts in case it causes allergies in the baby..... which is a pain because I always crave peanut butter when i'm pregnant!
Soley due to pregnancy. Not allowed peanuts in case it causes allergies in the baby..... which is a pain because I always crave peanut butter when i'm pregnant!
Soley due to pregnancy. Not allowed peanuts in case it causes allergies in the baby..... which is a pain because I always crave peanut butter when i'm pregnant!
Interesting. My wife is allergic to all nuts, not just peanuts, and prior to her and a cousin born around the same time, there was no known allergies higher up on the family tree. I've read some studies where it is advised not go give nuts to infants until around age 3 or so, but I had not heard of no nuts during the pregnancy as well.
It's standard practice in the UK. When you first find out your pregnant you're given a list of things to avoid - peanuts, soft cheese, eggs amongst other things. Has been the case since before my first daughter was born - and she's six
quoted for truth. It's like a mini-war zone over there from what I've heard.
Hope you're doing well Azh.
Hey hunny! Yep always a warzone in this house I'm doing well, baby due in February... this one's a boy! Gary's got the kids convinced we're calling it Jethro - after Jethro Tull LOL
Hey hunny! Yep always a warzone in this house I'm doing well, baby due in February... this one's a boy! Gary's got the kids convinced we're calling it Jethro - after Jethro Tull LOL
How's life with you?
Hiya! I know we don't know each other, but I just read that you're due in February with a boy, too, same as me! How awesome! Glad I'm not the only one with a hubby who likes odd names (and d*mn glad mine didn't think of Jethro!)...our boy will be named Aloysius Vega. Congrats and best of luck to you, new baby, and family!