Version: 3.1, by al3bed
Developer Last Online: Jul 2021
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 10-03-2008
Last Update: 08-23-2009
Installs: 57
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
hi all,
attention: Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed - as same as - who have marked as installed will be considered high priority. I believe that who 'mark as Installed' it will make it easy to him to get updates.
About this add-on:
This hack find the advanced options to prevent copies of the topics easily - which I mean source code not easily way to copy threads - This hack leaves several disrupt things in the face when visitor wants copies topic - see characteristics.
why this mod:
may someone wondering why this hack? because it work only if javascript is enabled. so if any one disable javascript he/she will able to do every things this hack may prevent from them. every one want to use this have a reason, I guess you have an answer for this.
I really agree to not to insult human intelligence. Its never a good idea to fight with your users but I need to protect my content from kids?! beleive me! my society have many kids which they competing which one of them will steal new topics first. this hack helped me more than I expected.
forcing to use Javascript, some intelligent people disable JavaScript in his browser and easily copies text. I do a meta refresh to redirect people not using JavaScript to page that tell them they need to activate it. this also by the way can be overmaster by someone. Attachment 95521
message to show to users who are prevented from using right-click. Attachment 95525
this hack work on 5 places: showtheard, printtheard, archive, showpost and newreplay templates.
we cannot completely prevent the visitors from copies if we want search engines archiving our sites, but if we cover up and hide entire text from visitors... this shortcoming will reduce the number of visitors and search spiders expelled completely and reduce archiving. so many of sites take off from the way that hide links and topics and start to think in prevent copying.
Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
v1.0 -
first release beta.
v2.0 -
correcting some phrase with wrong information about java and javascript.
add option to prevent users from quote before x posts.
add new javascript code and correct some bad code.
add option to exclude forums from prevent users.
v2.1 -
option added: to choose either you want add forums or exclude.
v2.2 -
option added: to choose user id you want to prevent them from copies.
new css code added to prevent users who disabled javascript.
v2.3 -
correcting & enhancing some codes in plugins.
activate all options on archive.
option added: to disable print page.
fixed bug: this hack work now with showpost page.
coordinate options in ACP.
v3.0 -
options categorize, some of them removed & others added.
options added to prevent browsers.
options added to use meta tags in thread pages.
option added to write message show up on thread page.
enhancing codes and security.
v3.1 -
bug fixed: users can copy text from newreply page.
option added to choose the show type of prevent right click message.
can we add an extra field for per user ID? because enable this, it will prevent lots of regular members. I do want to block guest, validating email, and per user ID.
ok, I will add this option in 2.2
please tell me if you have any other idea you want to add it in the mod.
Originally Posted by Defkalion
Ah! This is great.
Thankyou very much mister al3bed
Edit: there must be somewhere something wrong with the div's because in the forum I enabled it, the template is all messed up, my header appears twice and I get a "/div>" floating around. :P
Originally Posted by rapidphim
there is nothing wrong with the code. Must be from your custom template.
al3bed thanks for this mod i really like the options it has and it suits my site really well BUT ive just tryed this with firefox3 and i can still get the content.
Try it yourself browse to the page with the images on you want, then disable javascript in browser, then right click the image you wana steal !!
it will only let you grab the images though untill you refresh then you can copy and paste again ect,ect
Admitinly on refresh your redirect page pop-up comes up but if you simply dont allow the redirect the content is yours for the picking.
Maybe more research is needed for this mod to work 100% ?
Edit.... just reread thread again and i misunderstood this mod at first as i thought it completely stoped the right click ect,ect,
looks like this is WIP so i hope these little issues can be sorted in near future
mmm.. I will use css to solve this problem and release 2.2
thank you for this useful information ..
maybe some people is good text mugger by disabling javascript and stop meta redirect, but when he face to face with css he will can't disable it. And if he want to steal some texts is better to him go to source code with all codes there.
mmm.. I will use css to solve this problem and release 2.2
thank you for this useful information ..
maybe some people is good text mugger by disabling javascript and stop meta redirect, but when he face to face with css he will can't disable it. And if he want to steal some texts is better to him go to source code with all codes there.
Cool i look forward to it as i think this mod has real potential, if you need any help with testing plz dont hesitate to ask
Cool i look forward to it as i think this mod has real potential, if you need any help with testing plz dont hesitate to ask
I will need your help surely to test it in all browsers & other operating systems if you can
Originally Posted by rapidphim
we can't prevent from taking screenshot right?
we can disable print screen by using javascript code. I test it on IE its work but didn't work with FF. this code actually disable clipboard, when you open IE page use this code you can't copy anything in your computer
I will check it for a bit maybe I found some interesting things. also I test css code with IE&FF it's work prefect and now when smart users try to disable javascript they will shock when they see that they can't copy anything
I have some ideas rotate in my head to prevent caching and disabling off-line page viewing but I don't have anything now. next release will be here tonight or maybe