What does this product do?
It displays a tag cloud of all tags used within actual forums on top of FORUMDISPLAY. If a user clicks on tags, only threads within actual forums are displayed then.
How to install?
Just import product. Done.
Optional: To also only show threads within actual forums once a user clicks on a tag on showthread, change template tagbit to
I am looking forward to make an option where to place this mod.
thanks for picking up our suggestions. What I meant is more functionality related and not just the position.
It would be cool if the user could not only choose a tag but also combine them with other filters like prefix, date and sorting.
Maybe it`s even already possible. But even if it would be possible, I`m not sure if it is transparent for the user that he can combine your forum tag cloud with the filter bar to get more specific results. This is why I think it might be better to include another input or select-field for tags into the filter bar instead of displaying the cloud.
Hm, thinking about it, this could/should maybe done in another hack.
Well, I`m just sharing my thoughts here and will try your mod this evening.
Interesting idea. I think these are good suggestions for a new product, as this product here uses
tag cloud template
and search results are done with tag.php
Your integrated approach would
use forumdisplay template standard filters
therefore search results are done with forumdisplay.php
It would be also grow into a bigger product as then you need some new styles for integration. The easy thing now is that we do not do anything more than just show standard tag cloud below navbar with only changes that only threads within actual forum are displayed.
On another side it is hard to explain to our users what tags are and then it is hard to differentiate between prefixes and tags. So it would be easier to tell them "Tags are something you can add to every topic. There is always a tag cloud, you click on it and get all threads tagged with this tag"
I took care into uncached templates. There's a new version 0.2 out there now. Could you testify that again and post your statistics once more? I'll look into query performance later.
I took care into uncached templates. There's a new version 0.2 out there now. Could you testify that again and post your statistics once more? I'll look into query performance later.
With the new versi?n templates are chached!!
Nice work, only 1 query is good for my : )
It would be cool if the user could not only choose a tag but also combine them with other filters like prefix, date and sorting.
I rethought of that and it could be done with tags.php, not only with forumdisplay.php. This would then be all possible once tag search results would have clickable top column (last post, forum ...). This is best done with another modification. This modification can adopt these features.
Thanks for this cool mod! Look forward to the search integration suggested by sinucello & you. Suggestion: you may want to change the title of this thread to something more descriptive so people can more easily discover this useful mod - something like "Exclude Forums from Tag Cloud" would help