Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Many thanks:
All vBulletin experts. for their professional products and premium support. for their articles, mods [Thanks also to articles' authors & products' coders].
Paul M for his kind permission for using same scenario of his 'product debug info system'.
Name: Advanced Quick Edit
Description: This product extends 'Quick Edit' functionality to allow most "Advanced Editor mode" options [ All Built-In BBCodes ] (with full control from AdminCP).
How it works:
Adds functionality of the full editor to the quick edit [ All Built-In BBCodes ].
This product is totally different than other similar products, it doesn't depend on any other codes and doesn't fake vBulletin telling it that this editor is advanced edit or something like this. It leaves every thing as default but extends 'quick edit' functionality by having it's own independent code.
It adds all allowed buil-in bbcodes buttons to the 'quick edit' editor (with full control).
Specific Features:
Can enable/disable product globally. v1.0.0
Can select which Built-in BB Code Tags (enabled buttons). v1.0.0
Can determine which width is better, the default message box width or the 100% extended width. v1.0.0
Can "Display Cut/Copy/Paste Buttons" (On/Off). v1.0.0
Can "Display Undo/Redo Buttons" (On/Off). v1.0.0
Can "Display Extra Buttons" (On/Off). v1.0.0
Can determine default "Message box Height". v1.0.0
Default Features:
Fully phrased.
Optimized code.
Fully configurable from AdminCP.
Doesn't require any manual edits.
Fully compatible with vBulletin 3.7.x series.
Will not alter environment of vb or other hacks.
Help Us:
With your brilliant suggestions and ideas to develop this product.
With your appreciated translations (translation credits go to their owners).
With your appreciated donations to keep this product free, premium and supported product.
Donations sent via to:
support [at] phpkd [dot] net
Known Isues:
None till now.
v1.0.0 11/07/2008 06:06 AM (EEST): First initial public release.
Supported languages of this product are available as a translated products not as language files, the product's folder contains sub folders for languages, each one has the full package in that particular language (ie: -[English]).
This product is supposed to work with vBulletin 3.5.x & 3.6.x series, but we don't support versions prior 3.7.x series, Just 3.7.x Stable series!
This product still doesn't support the following advanced features (Attachment, SmilieBox, SmilieMenu], there is some difficulties implementing these features as independent features, may be included in a next version.
after i installed this Plugin, the "advanced edit" button doesnt work any more ... even when i uninstalled this plugin.
"even when i uninstalled this plugin" Then this error isn't related to our product "Advanced Quick Edit" . It should be another error that is already exists within your forums before installing this product, since uninstalling the product should delete any thing related to it & doesn't affect any other environments.
Originally Posted by Captain Tycoon
Simply Awesome! Installed and Marked!
Originally Posted by athlon64bit
Does this work for vbulletin blog?
Originally Posted by rapidphim
will this enable full bbcode in vb Blog?
Not tested on vB Blog.
But it should only work with Quick Edit.
Alert: For vBulletin 3.75, this creates a problem with "edit post" in Firefox only (i.e., works fine in IE7 and Opera) with an older version of vBSEO installed.
This may be related to the known vBSEO AJAX issue with vbulletin versions 3.75 and 3.8x. However, disabling this add-on seemed to fix the error.