Version: 1.01, by attroll
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.7.5
Released: 03-20-2008
Last Update: 03-20-2008
Installs: 74
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
I am using this post for a test writeup for a modification I am creating on another site.
Despite what category this is in it works with vBulletin 3.0 up to the most recent version of 3.7.
What this does is create another navbar bar as a left column ny inserting $navbar3 in your navbar template.
With very little modifications you can add to, remove or move items around in this additional navbar.
To install the this
1. Download the zipped file.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Import the product-navbar3.xml into your Plugins & Products Manage Plugins.
4. In the footer template find:
6. Upload the following file into your forum/images/misc/ directory
7. go into you Admincp and edit the template navbar3 to include the link you want to include in it.
Using this with CMPS
This xml file will work only on CMPS 3.0.0 it will not work on any of the previous RC versions.
If you would like to include this navbar3 on the front page of your CMPS you can import the following file "cmps_navbar3" through your Admincp--> vBa CMPS--> Download/Upload Module.
In adminCP - vBA CMPS Settings - Main Settings - Portal Output Global Variables type navbar3
You'll need to disable the original Navigation mudule or you're gonna have two of them on the page.
Thanks go out to Leo Brazil for creating the CMPS module.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Hi guys,
after using it for a while, I noticed that forum slows down a lot.
That's why I figured out a solution that may be helpful for those who noticed as well.
Instead of pasting "$navbar3" in Navbar template, just paste it into ForumHome template right after "$navbar".
Also wondering if you could help me to put the normal navbar content with breadrumbs and login info into this sidebar instead of the typical spot running horizontally at the top of the forum?
I am having an alignment issue as well. But it is not due to the conflict that tonytly mentioned. I looks fine in the forumhome but when viewing a thread it squishes the sidebar and pushes the thread out of the table. Anyone else having this problem?
I am having an alignment issue as well. But it is not due to the conflict that tonytly mentioned. I looks fine in the forumhome but when viewing a thread it squishes the sidebar and pushes the thread out of the table. Anyone else having this problem?
If you could provide a link for me to look at that would help.
I have two questions
1. How did you install this, did you install it like the directions said and use the XML file.
2. In the style that you are using, do you have Main Table Width set at pixels or percentage? I did run into some issues when I tried using pixels. Try setting it to 95% or 100% and see if that fixes your problem.