Version: 1.3.1, by vbFreelancers
Developer Last Online: May 2008
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 01-10-2008
Last Update: 01-14-2008
Installs: 18
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Removed by the Author due to luck of free time to support it. ------------------------------------------------------------
vbF Journal Article Publishing Module
1.-Credit goes to:
MicroHellas, as this module has developed by her.
Olympic, for his corrections to secure this module according to vB's standards.
2.- General information
This module is mainly for use for Article posting with 1 photo. Unlike vbNews and vbArticles which are using 3nd party HTML editor, vbJurnal uses vB's Editor.
Editors choice Articles
Breaking Articles
Important Articles
RSS per category
Newest Articles by category
Most Active Authors (according to the number of post Articles)
All these blocks can be turn off in case that you don't need them, by setting 0 as the number of appearing articles
All these blocks are following the active category. eg Breaking news in main page shows articles from all categories. Breaking news while you're in X category shows breaking news from X category only.
3.- Installation
Open vbjournal.php file with a text editor like notepad. At line 9 you'll find a variable: $mydateformat = 'm/d/Y'; This is set to default US date format. You can change it according to your country's setting eg. for UK d/m/Y or for other European countries to d.m.Y or d-m-Y. You can also add the time if you want. eg 'd/m/Y H:ia' this will give 20/8/2007 14:15pm. The reason that I didn't used the internal vbdate function is because that some users from Scandinavian countries, Spain and France had problems with vbdate().
Upload the contains of /forum directory to the same directory where you've installed vBulletin. Please note that if you've another vbF module already installed, you'll get a message for file "loading.gif" that already exists. Don't worry. You can skip or overwrite it as it's the same image.
CMOD following directories to 777
/photos (inside vbjournal directory)
/tmp (inside vbjournal directory)
/thumbs (inside vbjournal/photos directory)
For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off
Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbjournal.xml
If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:
By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbjournal, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.
In your adminCP, under vbJournal, choose vbJournal options and configure it depending on your needs. If you can't see vbJournal's menu, press F5 to refresh the page, or logout and login again to your admincp.
The script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this
script and sharing or publishing your modification A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E (including here)without the author's written permission is not allowed, but you can modify it as you want but just for your own use.
In addition to above restrictions you can't develop and share addons for 3nd party scripts (eg for vBadvanced).
Just a couple of quick questions. This mod looks like something that I have been looking for however, can the headings, (Editors choice Articles, Breaking Articles, Important Articles, RSS per category Newest Articles) be changed to your own headings?
Also, is there a setting in the admincp to allow the admin to add articles but not allow users to add articles?
Just a couple of quick questions. This mod looks like something that I have been looking for however, can the headings, (Editors choice Articles, Breaking Articles, Important Articles, RSS per category Newest Articles) be changed to your own headings?
vbFJournal is a 100% vB product, so all phrases are easily translating or changing to anything else.
Originally Posted by douffle
Also, is there a setting in the admincp to allow the admin to add articles but not allow users to add articles?
Yes, you can do it by assigning only to administrator's usergroup permissions to add articles. But articles can be only add, at site's frontend and not at admincp.
Thank you very much for your very quick response. I will download now but I will install a bit later when my site is fully set up. I will clcik installed at that time.
Warning: require_once(./global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysite/vbjournal/vbjournal.php on line 99
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/mysite/vbjournal/vbjournal.php on line 99
I checked my server and the file vbjournal.php is there in the folder vbjournal.
Also, I would like to have it set up so that when a user goes to my site, the vbjournal is the home page. How would I do that?
I checked my server and the file vbjournal.php is there in the folder vbjournal.
That's the problem. vbjournal.php must be OUT of vbjournal directory. In the same level as is your vB's index.php
And if your server needs CMOD 775 do it this way and not 777
Thank you very much. It works now.
Is there a way to set it up so that when a user comes to the site, vbjournal is the home page rather than having to put a link on the menu to get to it?
I think I have figured out how to make vbjournal the home page but the problem I have now is that when I click on "Add an Article" I get a "Page Not Found" error.
It is not the best remedy in the world but it seems to work.
To make it the home page, I changed the name of vbjournal.php to index.php.
This caused the "Page Not Found" error because it was looking for vbjournal.php.
So, I just uploaded another copy of vbjournal.php.
Now I get the editor instead of the "Page Not Found" error. As I said, it may not be the most elegant fix but it seems to work.