I see your name and think of the Pope Driving a Diesel then look at your site ,,, then im completely lost
LOL! That's funny...I guess my hubby used to look like a diesel mechanic, the way he dressed, and the Pope part has something to do with him and his friends, and something they used to do...damn if I know, but anyway, he's got a site now called Papal Petrol Productions...he has a very creative mind, to say the least. Anyway, I don't go by Deezelpope at my place...I'm Perkyb*tch there.
OK thanks And Im Not DiesellMinded on my site im DieselMinded , I messed up when i signed up here Too busy absorbing information to care i guess
Hehe, that's ok! At least yours look and sound alike. I certainly would not have picked Deezelpope had I signed up here myself. And whenever I make friends here, and wanna join their boards, I'm never sure what name to use...don't wanna cause any confusion, ya know?