Version: 0.9, by FractalizeR
Developer Last Online: Nov 2014
Category: Show Thread Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 11-11-2007
Last Update: Never
Installs: 28
Uses Plugins
Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
What this hack does?
This hack is a post censor, that will replace unwanted words and phrases by the values you specify.
Supports standard replace
Supports replacing using regular expressions
Allows to apply censor only to specified usergroups
On-the-fly regular expression syntax checking
Some use cases:
I don't like posts with multiple exclamation or question marks. Maximum three signs is allowed.
Sometimes you ban competitor forum names from using on your forum. But users enter them separating letters by spaces or underscores. This is unwanted and it is difficult to deal with using standard censor
Any forms of curses and bad words should be replaced by XXX
Version was tested under VB 3.6.8, but supposed to work on any 3.6.x release. Please report all compatibility issues here.
Please look at control panel screenshot below (please mind, that I am russian and screenshots are from russian forum, so for example usergroup names are incorrectly displayed when I set langauge to English).
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Are you running 3.6.8 on your server? Could you please try to uninstall and reinstall my hack? It seem like no settings are saved or evaluated inside plugin.
When searching for words to replace, will it also search for ones with spaces? For example, if you block "example", will it also block "ex am ple" on the fly? If not, this is exactly like the Replacement Variable Manager that's built into the forum.
Now, having a regex area is kind of nice, but I could swear that's built into the forum as well, just can't remember where I've seen it in the AdminCP.
Now, having a regex area is kind of nice, but I could swear that's built into the forum as well, just can't remember where I've seen it in the AdminCP.
Ok. If you will find this out - tell me.
Originally Posted by mrkiwi
no, 3.6.7 at the moment. I'll upgrade and try again )
Ok. I am not sure will this help or not, but I am running 3.6.8 and all fine.
Originally Posted by SBlueman
Would this work with changing quotes from:
You can make it work, but my censor does not affect RSS. Displaying posts only.
brandondrury, have you get rid of those nasty error messages? I cannot reproduce this situation on my forum. About filter - have you set usergroups this filter should be applied to? Filtering will work only for usergroups you select.
Does someone who also installed this hack has any problems with it?
I also installed it and am getting the same errors.
Originally Posted by vB
Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 15
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 15
Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 23
Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 23
Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Empty regular expression in /includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 23
These errors appear on every post I try to view at the very top of the page (right where my logo banner is) The post itself is blank.
vB 3.6.8
PHP 4.4.4
MySQL Version 4.1.22-standard
I tried the same Control Panel settings as brandondrury, as well as my own custom regex.
This mod looks perfect for my forum. I hope we can find a solution
It is not a problem of my hack, I think. It seem like PHP bug or misconfiguration.
May be also at main VBulletin settings something related to cookies or session is misconfigured.