Version: 2.00, by coderphp
Developer Last Online: Jan 2023
Category: Statistics Modifications -
Version: 3.6.7
Released: 07-21-2007
Last Update: Never
Installs: 66
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Hi all
Did you ever wondered what your users expect to find in your forums?
Did you ever wanted to know what are their needs?
Did you ever wanted to let them know what they can easily find?
If your answer is "Yes", then you must use this product ...
Most searched keywords leads to results page directly instead of search page.
Fixed random list bug.
Fixed blank keyword bug.
An option for choosing who can see search stats in homepage.
Censor words listed in Most searched stats according to Forum's censor list.
Solved "<span dir=rtl>" problem.
Solved TABLE_PREFIX problem.
Solved falsy search count when user clicks on links on "most searched keyword stats". ((Thanx to h2ojunkie))
1- Log user searches in your forums.
2- Show most searched keywords on the main forums page in away that demonstrates every keywords importance in your forums.
Expected to work on all vBulletin 3.6 versions tell now.
Template Edits
1 template edit in FORUMHOME
2 Plugins
1- Upload the directory "upload" contents to your forum root.
2- Import the attached product "[product] Forum Search Stats 2.0.xml" into your AdminCP.
3- Edit template "FORUMHOME":
if($vbulletin->options['setting_searchstats_onoff'] AND $_REQUEST['searchstats']!='nocount')
Always glad to help with a great product when I can - I spend countless hours testing software, all that practice gives me a good eye for incremental improvements
thanx h2ojunkie, gr8 idea..
if u dont mind i added ur snippet of code to the product, preserving ur copyright
thanx again for ur help
Originally Posted by projectego
Looks interesting, I might try this out at some point. Cheers.
Originally Posted by wizardan
How would I go about editing in order to have the display font show up as 'smallfont'?
in forumhome_complete plugin code:
Originally Posted by Andreas
As Wayne already suggested, I'd show this on Advanced Search.
As Wayne already suggested, I'd show this on Advanced Search.
TMS XML attached for those who need it
How do I implement this file? Keep getting an "invalid" message when importing - do I need to copy & paste contents somewhere? Also, do you have an example screenshot of what the resulting page will look like with this in place.
How do I implement this file? Keep getting an "invalid" message when importing - do I need to copy & paste contents somewhere? Also, do you have an example screenshot of what the resulting page will look like with this in place.
It would be possible to user a separate "censor list" only to be used in with this mod? I would like to censor some searches, but i can't censor that words in the whole forum..