About this hack:
This hack will log the userid, username, ipaddress, where the login is, and time all your users log onto your forum.
Installation information on hack:
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload via FTP: 2
Time to install: 1 minute max
Version 2.0 (08/25/06):
First release of this hack for vb3.6.
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
This hack is created for your use free of charge. No payment is requested. However, if you would like to donate money for the work I put in to this hack, a donation would show your appreciation.
This hack only logs when someone uses a username and password. Every time a user goes from one page to another they use a cookie.
I can be wrong, but they use sessions between pages and cookies only for logins.
If you take a look at includes/class_core.php, function vB_Session(), there is such piece of code:
PHP Code:
// or maybe we can use a cookie..
if (($gotsession == false OR empty($session['userid'])) AND $userid AND $password AND !defined('SKIP_SESSIONCREATE'))
I can be wrong, but they use sessions between pages and cookies only for logins.
If you take a look at includes/class_core.php, function vB_Session(), there is such piece of code:
PHP Code:
// or maybe we can use a cookie..
if (($gotsession == false OR empty($session['userid'])) AND $userid AND $password AND !defined('SKIP_SESSIONCREATE'))
When you go from page to page they try to read a session (from url or cookies), if it exists then they associate user with this session. Only if it doesnt exist they try to authenticate user from the cookie as you can see in that part of the code. This is the place where log function can be placed and it will log cookie authorizations (it is not reading sessions).
Anyway, I think I will just go ahead and make the required changes.
Quick solution for those who want this mod to log cookie logins as well (UNOFFICIAL, UNSUPPORTED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK etc.).
The only minor issue after the following modification is that when user logs in using a standart login form it will log this twice - as a standart login and a cookie login. I don't want to modify this hack too much, so I left it as it is.
else if ($log['logintype'] == 'modcplogin')
$log['logintype'] = $vbphrase['mod_login'];
add below:
PHP Code:
else if ($log['logintype'] == 'cookie')
$log['logintype'] = $vbphrase['cookie_login'];
3. Open includes/class_core.php and find:
PHP Code:
// or maybe we can use a cookie..
if (($gotsession == false OR empty($session['userid'])) AND $userid AND $password AND !defined('SKIP_SESSIONCREATE'))
if (md5($userinfo['password'] . COOKIE_SALT) == $password)
$gotsession = true;
// combination is valid
if (!empty($session['sessionhash']))
// old session still exists; kill it
WHERE sessionhash = '" . $this->registry->db->escape_string($session['sessionhash']). "'
Great hack,
Why not to make the admin have options
* Log Success Logins
* Log Error Logins
* Log All Logins
Beacuse for me I dont find it usefull to log the successed logs, but error logins would be help full for me to track, more over to make it show in the AdminCP under the waiting moderation list in the main page of AdminCP with the Total No. of login logs, so the admin will know whats going on with the users.
Great hack,
Why not to make the admin have options
* Log Success Logins
* Log Error Logins
* Log All Logins
Beacuse for me I dont find it usefull to log the successed logs, but error logins would be help full for me to track, more over to make it show in the AdminCP under the waiting moderation list in the main page of AdminCP with the Total No. of login logs, so the admin will know whats going on with the users.
I remember before there was a hack which sends an e-mail to the admin if some one try to access the AdminCP this e-mail have the user name, password and also the ip address which was used to access it.
So if the admin was able to track error login tries he will be able to warn the user and so on to reduce the ability of stolen user names.
vBulletin has a way to log all failed logins to a log file. It is in admincp->vBulletin Options->Error Handling & Logging->Log Failed Admin Control Panel Logins to a File
Now I got it to work that people who are a member of the forum can log in on the mainpage www.myurl.com/index.html but only one problem there that I don't know how to fix. So the problem is this :
When a member visits the mainpage, he wants to log in to the forums. He logs in ( you get the vbulletin message that you are logged in) but you stay at the mainpage. So you log in on the www.myurl.com/index.html, the logging in part works, but it doesn't bring you to the www.myurl.com/forum. You just stay at the www.myurl.com/index.html
What I want :
mainpage (index.html) > log in > leads to forum
What the problem is :
mainpage (index.html) > log in > mainpage (index.html)