Version: 1.00, by Red Blaze
Developer Last Online: Mar 2016
Version: 3.5.3
Released: 01-12-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 31
Template Edits
Code Changes Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
First off, this is my first modification. It's tiny, it's obvious, but I'm proud of it. I have Zero Tolerance to thank, he did give me some hints and tips.
This only refreshes the names of the users in the index page of the forums. Not the "currently online" number of users. It could say currently 4 users online, and there's a huge list of usernames.
I don't really see a need of a picture since there's no visual change. It only calls the names of the users currently online and removes them if they're offline without the need of refreshing the index page of the forums.
1 Template to edit (FORUMHOME)
1 File to edit (index.php)
First the File Edit:
Open your index.php file in your forum directory.
Above add:
if ($_GET['do'] == 'online')
echo $activeusers;
Save, close, then upload index.php file to your forum directory.
<script type='text/javascript'>
function requestWhoOnline()
doReqOnline = new vB_AJAX_Handler(true)
function ReqOnlineDone()
if (doReqOnline.handler.readyState == 4 && doReqOnline.handler.status == 200)
fetch_object('whoisonline').innerHTML = doReqOnline.handler.responseText
setTimeout("requestWhoOnline()", 60000)
setTimeout("requestWhoOnline()", 20000)
Now Find:
Replace with:
<div id="whoisonline">$activeusers</div>
Since this is my first mod, I'd back up the files. Forgive me if this hack has already been done. I made a strict search and found no such thing. I decided to try to do it, and voila! Go me.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I'm not trying to come down on the guy. It's a great start to hacking and we should all thank him for taking the time to release it. I just want to warn users of large forums that AJAX hacks such as this probably shouldn't be used. That is all.
Michelle, i'm unsure what the first part of your comment means. If you are questioning me as a programmer, then by all means do so, but you don't know me or anything I have created. I'm simply offering advice here.
I wasn't talking about 99SIVTEC. I was talking about the others who said nothing more about the server load and kept moaning. And what bugs me the most is that they have never released anything although they seem to know a bit of coding. I've said in other thread how this kind of .orger annoys me a lot. Just getting with no giving back although they can. They just keep it to themselves to make their forum "unique". And now they are discouraging people who aren't that selfish??? Gosh!
Sonikku, if your first hack is like that you are going to be a brilliant coder.
99SIVTEC, if you didn't understand what I mean, the better a programmer you are the worse it is that you haven't released anything. It just seems selfish imho...