If you are die hard VB then purchase Vbgallery because the admin is one and the same with VB. PP is a good professional photo product as well that can handle butloads of photos.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Vbgallery no longer?
Thank you for the link - I looked in the obvious areas such as where ordering choices are located by way of their website and the link through vbadvanced website.
The support over there is actually quite good.. several vB-using people are now on the Staff, and their support of vBGallery is very acceptable.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I've lurked over there for four months now and have read many a thread. It's almost if they frown upon those that can't understand their software or aren't experienced techies.
I do agree that they ultimately get the issue resolved, however, I feel as they aren't as customer oriented as they should be. You cannot question their technical aptitude though... Photopost is a solid piece of software from what I've seen of it.
What we have found is that written communication between our technical staff and customers can be awkward when we don't know how much of a techincal understanding there is on the other side - talk above someone and you make them feel bad, talking below someone and they feel insulted. In the past we had alot of very technical users, but in the past couple years we've seen many more who are not nearly so technical and had to find ways to not make our customers feel like we can't talk to them.
We recently added an indicator that our users can set to identify where in the knowledge spectrum they are so that we can try and improve our communications with our customers; I am hopeful that this will help bridge the communication gap so that nobody feels inadequate or insulted.