I don't know about the others but I live in a valley, more of a plateau actually but that is another story. Look at any map of California and you can see roughly where I live. To the north of Los Angeles is a large brown triangle shaped area. I live in the western point in the foothills of that triangle. We don't get very good radio reception. We don't get good television reception. Almost everyone has digital satellite television in the area. There is a cable company but they serve less than 50% of the region. There are four local radio stations, none are really good. Anything else, forget about it in most circumstances. We could get XM or we can get an MP3 player and take our music with us in the car. I can actually go to a place not to far from home where you can get 10 different radio stations on the same frequency due to the signals bouncing off the granite and quartz in the canyon.
We could get XM or we can get an MP3 player and take our music with us in the car. The MP3 player is just more convenient. That is usually where I listen to music. I can't listen to audio books while working because it would be distracting plus they lack substance. Give me a hardcover and a hot cup of chai any day. Music in the background provides noise but isn't distracting while I work. However for that, I just stream off my PC.
Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good reason to me. I still think the price is really high for it.....
I can't listen to audio books while working because it would be distracting plus they lack substance. Give me a hardcover and a hot cup of chai any day.
Hrm? How do audio books lack substance? Meanwhile, they can be distracting but I turn them off when I'm actually working on something. While doing mundane things like washing dishes, cooking, etc? Audiobook all the way. I agree about a hot cup of tea and a hardcover. Thats heaven.
I was on about the screen - That is not as durable as the rest of the nano, and since I'd need the screen to tell which playlist I'm on or which song I'm playing, that for me is "breaking" if you cannot do that any more...
I prefer the feel of pages in my hands, a good quality book is better in my personal opinion than any audio or video rendition of the story. There is no physical substance to an audio book. Not what I want out of the experience. With an Audio Books or a Movie, it is someone else's imagination powering the story from descriptions to inflection of the voices. Books are personal experiences, no two people read the same book the same way. Your imagination fills in the holes and makes it whole. That is what I want.
The only time I listen to music is when I am working on the computer, as background filler noise, or in the car. Doesn't even matter what is playing as long as there is filler noise in the background. Then I don't use headphones even. Headphones are evil. Well there is a third time I listen to music and that is when I go to a concert. But then it is the focus.
Did watch a movie recently which had an innovative use of an iPod. It was "Blade: Trinity" and one of the main characters had one. She would customize a playlist for the upcoming battle as part of getting in the zone. I am not involved in many epic vampire hunts though.
I prefer the feel of pages in my hands, a good quality book is better in my personal opinion than any audio or video rendition of the story. There is no physical substance to an audio book. Not what I want out of the experience. With an Audio Books or a Movie, it is someone else's imagination powering the story from descriptions to inflection of the voices. Books are personal experiences, no two people read the same book the same way. Your imagination fills in the holes and makes it whole. That is what I want.
The only time I listen to music is when I am working on the computer, as background filler noise, or in the car. Doesn't even matter what is playing as long as there is filler noise in the background. Then I don't use headphones even. Headphones are evil. Well there is a third time I listen to music and that is when I go to a concert. But then it is the focus.
Did watch a movie recently which had an innovative use of an iPod. It was "Blade: Trinity" and one of the main characters had one. She would customize a playlist for the upcoming battle as part of getting in the zone. I am not involved in many epic vampire hunts though.
Really Wayne? I always thought you'd look quite "hip" in one of those semi-biker semi-vampire hunter suits with a weird flipping out light bow thingy