Originally posted by john.eovie Still, you can't stop people from removing it - if they choose to remove those three, they can. Personally, the reason I installed this hack was because it looked better than the standard buttons
just relax.. and yes anyone who likes the hack can install it and can also remove what he/she doesnt' like.. did you not change the English lanugage of your vB ? did you not change the look ? I am sure your answer would be yes yes.. so the same rulle apply here...
its just a misunderstanding
he doesn't like the extraz rings and bills of wav ram and worry of flash.. thats fine... I use them cuz my users want them .. flash is another thing although I run it and like one said with daily backups things look on the bright side
if I see attempts on that by few, I would remove the flash part
all in all, this looks cool and many have loved it and even other Admins have asked me for it since I have installed the original hack and later on added the new buttons
I made a post on my site and started using the new buttoms and info it lets you use and all of a sudden norton poped up and said I had a virus, so I went and did a scan on the zip and the unziped files and was clear.!
I am going to use this to be able to keep on using the hack,
Originally posted by john.eovie For those who aren't keen on editing...
Security fix
Open the vbcode_buttons template. Replace the entire contents with the contents of the attached zip file.
Then, in your Admin Panel click on "Modify" under the "Custom vB Codes" section. Remove the following vB codes:
? Flash
? Wave Files
? RAM Files
What this does:
This fix removes the ability for users to post Flash files in threads. (A potential security risk.) In my case, I've also removed WAV files (because they can be plain annoying) and RAM files (because these are rarer, and also plain annoying).
Originally posted by john.eovie For those who aren't keen on editing...
Security fix
Open the vbcode_buttons template. Replace the entire contents with the contents of the attached zip file.
Then, in your Admin Panel click on "Modify" under the "Custom vB Codes" section. Remove the following vB codes:
? Flash
? Wave Files
? RAM Files
What this does:
This fix removes the ability for users to post Flash files in threads. (A potential security risk.) In my case, I've also removed WAV files (because they can be plain annoying) and RAM files (because these are rarer, and also plain annoying).
Man ... smoking crack is bad for you! Let the man who created the hack do his work! If someone gots probs with this hack, let him handle it.
If you like, create one simular to his, and post it. You're stealin the guys thunder here and being a disrespectful peep!
And kill the noise about a virus ... I aint found one so what's up with dat?
actually HiSquad's hack is best one but John.evoie want to warn everyone about flash but as for wav or ram, it is ok to use.
If I go ahead and register at any board that support flash and I ll swipe the admin password under nose without notice what I did. It is so simple. Thats why John concern about that. That s all.