Change Log
- Added option for module title.
- Added option for module link.
- Added option to choose from thumbnail, normal, origianal
- Added Template: adv_portal_vbgallery_imagebit
- Edited Template: adv_portal_vbgallery_nav - added search dropdown
- Edited Template: adv_portal_vbgallery - changed to work with standard CMPS wrapper
- Multi-Modules can be used on the same page using the same php file with different settings
EX: 3 CMPS blocks 3 different settings
- reworked to work on CMPS 3.0
- Package added to: imagegallery.module
- Block settings per CMPS page
- Permissions fixed
- adv_gallery_images -> ppgal_images
- Added vb3.6
- Added functions_gallery_store.php
- Added column span support
- Install w/ product in 1 file.
- Killed the need for FORUMHOME template edit.
- AdminCP options to change the hack settings
- Added: Parts of the gallery's Nav bar w/ dropdowns
(My Stuff*, What's New, What's Popular,Search) to the hack with on/off option.
* My Stuff will not be seen if you are a guest.
- Added: If the gallery is off or disabled the hack not show up.
- Added: templates to support the hack vs. gallery templates
(allows you to customize the templates for the look and feel you want vs. mess up the way your gallery templates look.)
- <If> usergroup can not see thunbnails FORUMHOME edit will not show up.
- Removed Phrase to name gallery <table> now use $vba_options[gallery_title]
- Added 3 prases in "global" - filesize,category,dimensions
- Display images from specific categories.
- added Phrase support
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I'm not sure how the hell I fixed the error I quoted above, but I did.
I found out what was causing the problem that Zig was talking about though, at least for myself. On all of the pages that you've created in CMPS and have the Image Gallery module enabled to display on, you need to edit the page, go to "Main Options", and change the "Process PHP File Modules Within A Function" to true.
I didn't have this set to true on all of my pages, just the main portal page
thanks man, your right. that did work. props to you for posting that fix, thanks a lot!
I had an outdated version of the module. Thanks for the help!