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Discuss!! A Yahoo Answers Clone
Version: 1.4.0, by Christos Teriakis Christos Teriakis is offline
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 4.2.0 Rating:
Released: 04-16-2012 Last Update: 06-03-2012 Installs: 67
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

A Yahoo Answers Clone

Compatible with 4.2.0
but you must download the file Disucss_1_4_0.zip

1. Why we need a discussion mod

Maybe sounds crazy to have a powerfull forum and to install this AddOn. But this is not true. I do agree that vB has tons of features for any type of discussions. But from the other point Yahoo Answers (and dozens of similars sites) became famous, because they offer a simple way to users to get replies. Short questions, with a couple of replies. Why to go in a complicated system for this? And why to add dozens of extra categories, subcategories etc etc, just for this? This is the reason that you need it.

2.- How it works?

Very simple, so easy to use by novice users too. A member is posting a question in any of your categories (unlimited level are supporting) and then is waiting other members to post a reply. Reads the replies, chooses the best and that's all. There is no need for discussion here.

3.- Installation
  1. Download, unzip and upload all files from the "upload" folder where your vb installation is (you can't install in different directory).
  2. Goto you admincp and import the product-discuss.xml
  3. That's all
4.- Configuration

Configuration is very easy and is like all other addons here. You need to follow the steps below, and soon you'll be ready:
  1. First of all goto Usergroup permissions and set what each usergroup can do or not do.
  2. Goto Discuss General setting, check the default values and change them if you want
  3. PM Templates. I believe that the predefinied text is ok for most of you. But if you want you can change them. Please don't touce the variables (anything inside {}). The available variables are:
    1. {questiontitle} : Title with link
    2. {questiontitle_nolink} : As above but without link
    3. {category} : Category name with link
    4. {category_nolink} : Category without link
    5. {questionowner} : The author's username with link
    6. {questionowner_nolink} : As above, no link
    7. {description} : 200 chars from the question body
    8. {username} : This is the "To:" value. eg Dear {username},
    9. {postdate_short} : Post date in format that you've set as long dates
    10. {postdate_long} : Same as above in long date format
    11. {signature} : Anything that you've set in your settings
  4. Last step is to set your categories.
5.- Copyright

In the footer of each page there is a link back to my site vBulletON.com. Even if it easy to remove it, please avoid doing it. Respect if you want to be respected. That's the only that I can say.

6.- PRO version

Currently there is no one. I don't use to build an addon, and then remove 90% of its features to make a free version. No. This is all that I've done. Sure there are dozens of more features that I can add. If I see that this mod becomes popular then I'll add them but as commercial version.

7.- Live Demo


demouser1 / demopass1
demouser2 / demopass2
demouser3 / demopass3


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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
9 благодарности(ей) от:
Alien, AliMadkour, BCP Hung, goxy63, Hareth, PPhysX, rafiul, thecore762, victorvu

Old 08-08-2012, 06:14 PM
migratoria migratoria is offline
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Hi ChrisTERiS

In the mod missing the link to delete an ask automatically approved. The moderators or 'administrator can not delete or modify anything.

2) If you delete an personal ask in the category the counter is not updated.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:27 PM
migratoria migratoria is offline
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When a demand is moderating the system does not notify the moderator or administrator.
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Old 08-09-2012, 09:33 AM
vb50kgpoo vb50kgpoo is offline
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Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS View Post
Yes you can pay someone to do the EXTRA MODIFICATIONS that you wanted. Because all these 7 weeks that you're saying, and even now, you can't post any bug, but just improvements. But even in case of bugs. There are 2 types of bugs. Security issues which need urgent fix, and misoperation bugs. For these type of bugs, nowhere exists a rule saying eg you need to fix it in a day, or a week or in a month. vB4 has nearly 3 years in market and still has misoperation bugs. When you're buying a script (any type of script) you're buying it "AS IS".
You're copyright violation is that you're SELLING the script and not that you got someone to do the extra modifications.
They are not extra modifications.
1) The picture upload / display does not work.
2) I need to use 3, yes three different browsers as the administrator in order to control the classifieds, as your scripts are not browser compliant.
3) Formatted classified text becomes unformated (a mess) when using IE (so anyone posting an advertisment and using IE ends up posting a block of useless / impossible to read text)
4) No-one (not admin or anyone) can view ads while they are pending!!!! (So admin has to approve and ad and then delete it if they do not want it - trouble is, you can not delete an ad in Firefox).
5) When someone buys something, no-one can then ever view the ad.

These are not extra modifications, these are bug fixes.

And I am not selling your scripts; how could / why would I, they are supposedly free! What I paid for and did not get was support, after you exited the vB community to concentate on Invision (which you also exited after a few weeks). So I had to get someone else to fix the bugs. And it is those bug fixes I am offering to sell to others to try and recoup the money I had to pay someone else to do your job!

Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS View Post
vb.ord is a place for free mods. I've no obligation to be here, to reply, or anything else.
So why are you?

Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS View Post
Pitty for you but I've already release 2 new versions and licensed clients gots their copy. You're not one of them, as you're not a licensed client.
Oh, yeh, right. One minute they are extra modifications, now they are bug fixes but only for mysterious happy clients of yours.

Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS View Post
vbmates.com is not my site. Once more you're liar. You know my site, you've post a review there. My site is: http://www.teriakis.com. Anybody can goes there and read your review (which I marked as featured to be visible to all), and understand what a rude and liar man you are.
Oh right. I'm the liar. Is that why your have vBmates listed here as your site then? That "wonderful" site that no longer works and amazingly had one member, you, looking for a mate! I ask people to visit your site teriakis.com quickly to see the site name and title! "Company Name - Portal Home" and the fact there are No Reviews at all, and that you need to register as a customer of Chris to access anything (good luck). And I would like people to see your email of the 28th Feb at the start of and the reason why you failed your vB clients

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Site down for changing platform
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 13:01:16 -0600
From: <christos@teriakis.com>
To: Me


I want to inform you that after many problems that I had with some addons and templates that I bought, I decided to change platform by using InvisionPB. This is just for my site and not for my mods.

I everything goes well, I believe that I'm back online in around 24h.

Thank you

Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS View Post
All the best
I have no doubt you will enjoy all the worst.
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Old 08-09-2012, 09:35 AM
vb50kgpoo vb50kgpoo is offline
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Originally Posted by artcrimes View Post
demo link is dead.
What??!! Did you think it would actually work?!
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Old 08-15-2012, 08:59 AM
AdrianH AdrianH is offline
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Originally Posted by artcrimes View Post
demo link is dead.
What did you expect with the track record of this developer?

Mods are free one week, paid the next, then removed , then back, then people that bought the paid versions find them back here free ..... the sites keep coming and going as does support, simply put you cannot trust that anything will work or be available for more than a few days.

As to the accusations that users are liars ............ vbmates isn't his site? This was one of the Maria/Mary the Greek scripts that ChrisTeris says he owns and was releasing, look at the registration for the site ......




Don't touch with a barge pole .............
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Christos Teriakis
Old 08-15-2012, 09:06 AM
Christos Teriakis Christos Teriakis is offline
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Originally Posted by AdrianH View Post
Don't touch with a barge pole .............
YES !!! I do agree. Don't deal with my mods any more, so I'll find the peace of my mind and more free time to work for paid mods.

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Old 08-15-2012, 09:11 AM
Christos Teriakis Christos Teriakis is offline
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Originally Posted by AdrianH View Post
What did you expect with the track record of this developer?

Mods are free one week, paid the next, then removed , then back, then people that bought the paid versions find them back here free ..... the sites keep coming and going as does support, simply put you cannot trust that anything will work or be available for more than a few days.

As to the accusations that users are liars ............ vbmates isn't his site? This was one of the Maria/Mary the Greek scripts that ChrisTeris says he owns and was releasing, look at the registration for the site ......




Don't touch with a barge pole .............
I'm greatful to you that you remembered me to remove this script. As for the other users, please ask AdrianH to code a script for you. Seems that he has lot of free time to spent it searching the whois database. Why not code a free and supporting mod for you?

Go ahead Adrian... Show us your coding and supporting power.

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Old 08-15-2012, 09:26 AM
AdrianH AdrianH is offline
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Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS View Post
I'm greatful to you that you remembered me to remove this script. As for the other users, please ask AdrianH to code a script for you. Seems that he has lot of free time to spent it searching the whois database. Why not code a free and supporting mod for you?

Go ahead Adrian... Show us your coding and supporting power.


1) I need no script or time to remember your sites, I visited them trying to get help/information for people that had problems with your work.

2) As most people here know I am not a coder so that is not going to happen.

3) as to "supporting power" your customers both free and paying have sadly seen what that is like.

4) "Leave you time to work on your paid scripts" willingly........... sorry Chris but I wouldn't touch them either and the way you keep moving sites customers are going to have a hard time finding you.............
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:19 AM
Christos Teriakis Christos Teriakis is offline
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Originally Posted by AdrianH View Post
2) As most people here know I am not a coder so that is not going to happen.
Then stay back. You haven't the right to talk if you haven't offered something for free here. First of all spend some years to learn coding from books (this is the way that I learned coding, as I haven't the luxury to study by being the first child of a 5 children family), then spend some weeks to coding something to offer it for free and get insults instead thanks in exchange, and only then you can talk for me.

As for my clients (the paid ones) let me know better if I let them alone or not. As for the freebies, who thought that by buying a vB license they also bought all the available mods, sorry, no more. What they got, in any form the got, they got it. The End.

And just for the history. I've bought the commercial vB mods:
  1. iCart Pro ($169): 2 years none new feature
  2. Multipages ($15): 1 year none new feature
  3. Donations from ForumCoding .... 2 years renew... does not works
  4. Subscriptions from ForumCoding .. 2 years renew ... does not works
  5. Projects from MGC Products ... still not available for vB4
  6. vbMemberArea ... Was someone from England .. disappeared
  7. VaultWiki .... 2 licenses ... only bug fixes.......
  8. Gars
  9. Photoplog ... both from Calorie.. she disappeared and let the GARs clients still waiting for upgrade to vB4
  10. and maybe more .... I believe that I'm the only coder who bought so many addons
As for my mods here, I did 2 proposals to confirmed and trusted coders to get them for free. They haven't time for it. Sorry. I don't have time too.

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Old 08-15-2012, 12:12 PM
vb50kgpoo vb50kgpoo is offline
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Originally Posted by AdrianH View Post
What did you expect with the track record of this developer?

Mods are free one week, paid the next, then removed , then back, then people that bought the paid versions find them back here free ..... the sites keep coming and going as does support, simply put you cannot trust that anything will work or be available for more than a few days.

As to the accusations that users are liars ............ vbmates isn't his site? This was one of the Maria/Mary the Greek scripts that ChrisTeris says he owns and was releasing, look at the registration for the site ......




Don't touch with a barge pole .............
Hi Adrian

Bang on.
This totally dishonest (some might say typical) Greek convinced me to pay for his subscribed commercial service and I would get the latest version of Mary's Classifieds (AKA microclassifieds) and support. I paid and uploaded the latest version; it sucked, but was unable to revert back. Chris promised to fix the bugs (you need three different browsers as administrator to be able to get things to work, users with IE type out their ads only for the formattintg to disapear when they post them, you can not view ads / classifieds while they are pending anything, which is a joke, as you have to approve them in order to see if they are OK, etc.). He never did. Then he emails his clients and says he is going to do Invision from now on, but promised to fix his classifieds, but did not. Then his sites went down and he stopped answering emails for over 7 weeks. Then I had to get someone else to fix the problems. Then Chris accused me of hacking his scripts (and being the reason for the problems) before the other developer had even touched them. Then Chris said his web hoster accidently deleted his CP Panel which was why his sites were down and his email not working.

And of course, he refuses to refund the money I paid him in January that he never did anything for; hey, doesn't that make Christos a fraud, a cheat and a thief?

What a joke. And you know, Christos still believes he is some whizz. But just do a Google on Christos Teriakis and see how many failed sites, developments, etc. he is connected with. Then find me one that was a success / is still working.

What is sad is that Christos Teriakis was the ONLY person who enroled in his ill fated dating site (I wonder why no-one else joined).
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