Version: 2.2.8, by AndrewD
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 06-18-2006
Last Update: 02-03-2008
Installs: 661
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Version 2.3.0 of LDM is now the official release. This works with both VB3.7 and VB3.8. You can obtain it here
Version 2.2.8 remains available here, with limited support.
04.02.08: patch-cat.xml 'extra' uploaded - see first post for information
27.10.07: Version 2.2.8-post1 uploaded
French translation of product installer uploaded (other language translations are in the main release zip)
Remember to back up your current database tables before upgrading.
What this is and does
LDM is a general-purpose link and file manager, which handles user uploads and downloads in a flexible way. A range of media players is integrated into LDM and others are included as plugin extras. LDM is described below in the first post of this thread, which also contains a brief list of the currently-known bugs.
This release of LDM works correctly with all VB versions 3.6.x and recent versions of vbadvanced.
The best gallery i've known is 4homeapges, 4image has an incredible way to synch files... of course, i'm not a coder, so i've no ide if that would be useful for you Andrew.
Maybe you can take a look at it and see how that works.
wow installed but i dont know how to activate and use enhancements in Extras & development?! for example i would like to use tv channels or gallery ! how to install and manage them ?
Andrew, I found a minor size problem with the flash-based plug-in. The VEOH video player is bigger than YouTube player, is there anyway to specific the size of player for YouTube and VEOH?
I tried to increased the size in plug-manager to make it suit VEOH but then I increased the size of ALL Youtube files. Any guide to overcome this problem would be great!
I'm not sure why these sites are displaying at different sizes.
Anyway, as you discovered, by default all the flash players are set up to display at the size configured in *flash_sites_plugin.xml*, i.e. at 480x360.
You can change this on a per-player basis by editin the file includes/local_links_flashsites.php.
You'll find a series of declarations, such as the following for Veoh:
wow installed but i dont know how to activate and use enhancements in Extras & development?! for example i would like to use tv channels or gallery ! how to install and manage them ?
You should ignore the development directory unless you are really keen - it contains the raw templates, phrases, etc, used to build the main product installer.
For each of the extras, there is a 'readme.txt' file in the subdirectory, which explains how to install it. In most cases, you do this by uploading the extra's xml file using vbulletin/admincp/products and plugins/download and upload plugin.