Version: 2.2.8, by AndrewD
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 06-18-2006
Last Update: 02-03-2008
Installs: 661
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Version 2.3.0 of LDM is now the official release. This works with both VB3.7 and VB3.8. You can obtain it here
Version 2.2.8 remains available here, with limited support.
04.02.08: patch-cat.xml 'extra' uploaded - see first post for information
27.10.07: Version 2.2.8-post1 uploaded
French translation of product installer uploaded (other language translations are in the main release zip)
Remember to back up your current database tables before upgrading.
What this is and does
LDM is a general-purpose link and file manager, which handles user uploads and downloads in a flexible way. A range of media players is integrated into LDM and others are included as plugin extras. LDM is described below in the first post of this thread, which also contains a brief list of the currently-known bugs.
This release of LDM works correctly with all VB versions 3.6.x and recent versions of vbadvanced.
According to the online description - - Dreamhost uses apache as web server and provides full support for htaccess files, so you should be able to control your php settings, e.g. by referring to the site I mentioned
I followed your instructions and added them via admincp/vba/download upload module but something didn't go as planned. The module appears in my list with no name associated with it. I'm not sure I can even delete it. Tried it twice as you can see.
I've got a rather odd problem, and while it's more annoying than anything else, I'd like to clear it up if possible.
I'm new to vB so this may well be based on my own ignorance. I've got a vB board up and running, and I've got LDM 2.2.8 installed and working fine. The issue is that each user, even after signing into vB, has to sign in AGAIN to access any category in LDM (the link to the category LIST seems to work fine). However, once this second sign-in is completed, the cookie(?) appears to be set and stable for that session, and possibly indefinitely.
My users aren't very technically savvy, so if possible I'd like to prevent the necessity for a double sign-in. If there is any specific information about my system you need, please let me know.
Thank you for your help!
I can also be reached directly at my work address, alan.martin (at)
I followed your instructions and added them via admincp/vba/download upload module but something didn't go as planned. The module appears in my list with no name associated with it. I'm not sure I can even delete it. Tried it twice as you can see.
I've seen that problem too and mentioned it to the vba people. You can delete it and then it should reinstall correctly. If not - send me a PM with an admin account and I'll gladly take a look.
I've got a rather odd problem, and while it's more annoying than anything else, I'd like to clear it up if possible.
I'm new to vB so this may well be based on my own ignorance. I've got a vB board up and running, and I've got LDM 2.2.8 installed and working fine. The issue is that each user, even after signing into vB, has to sign in AGAIN to access any category in LDM (the link to the category LIST seems to work fine). However, once this second sign-in is completed, the cookie(?) appears to be set and stable for that session, and possibly indefinitely.
My users aren't very technically savvy, so if possible I'd like to prevent the necessity for a double sign-in. If there is any specific information about my system you need, please let me know.
Thank you for your help!
I can also be reached directly at my work address, alan.martin (at)
Alan Martin.
Alan, send me a PM with site details and an account, ideally one with access to the vb admincp, amnd I'll gladly take a look. It's the first report I've had of this problem.
I've seen that problem too and mentioned it to the vba people. You can delete it and then it should reinstall correctly. If not - send me a PM with an admin account and I'll gladly take a look.
I see that you are still using vbadvanced 2.2. I haven't tested with that version for some time, and it seems I've created a problem - sorry - I'll look into it and see how to fix things.