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EPC vbMailer [LITE] All in ONE E-mail Solution Details »»
EPC vbMailer [LITE] All in ONE E-mail Solution
Version: 1.5, by blogtorank blogtorank is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2008 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Version: 3.6.8 Rating:
Released: 08-20-2007 Last Update: 08-30-2007 Installs: 94
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No support by the author.

EPC vbMailer [LITE] for vBulletin

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(Not just a hack, just a HUGE expansion in getting your communication professionally delivered effectively and efficiently to your forums members)

Brief Introduction:

What we have here is an expansion of a lot of tools that deal with ?effective? communication with your forums members by and through the vBulletin forums system. As you know there are many modifications on the vBulletin.org website that?ll help you manage all of these means, some are lacking other essential needs or you are simply too tired to figuring out which one doesn?t work with what hack. Overall, we have built EPC vBMailer to be the overall and ONLY solution to your vBulletin e-mailing needs. Because you request it in here, we will build it without any questions!

After endless reading on the forums at vbulletin.org, we have found it to be a wise decision to release a LITE and a FULL version, basically a trial version before you buy? Where the trial will not ever end, it?s just a lighter version to the FULL version which has an extended amount of features in it that handles ALL of your e-mailing needs in one!

Core Feature List:
  • Templates
    • Add templates
    • Edit templates
    • Delete templates
  • Autoresponders
    • Add autoresponders
    • Edit autoresponders
    • Delete autoresponders
  • Compose Email
    • Type an email, or
    • Use a template
    • Schedule when to send
  • Bounce Management
    • Logs into your SMTP info
    • Inactivates bounced emails
    • Deletes bounced emails from server
  • Settings
    • Easily edit vbMailer Settings inside your config file
    • FULL version has it all built into the /admincp/ with more support
Templates Overview
  • Enter a subject, text email and HTML email to easily send them out on-the-fly later
  • Templates, like anything else in vbMailer, support variables
Autoresponder Overview
  • Setup autoresponder sequences to automatically send out emails
  • Very powerful for those of you who want to seamlessly and automatically advertise your forums, or give your users a friendly "nudge" to come back
  • Yep, autoresponders support variables too
Compose Email Overview
  • Choose a previously created template or enter a subject, text and HTML email
  • Choose a time to run the campaign, allowing you to schedule the campaign for whenever you want
(meaning you can setup that advertisement email to run while you are on vacation, phew!)
  • And did I mention, composing an email directly also supports variables
Review Campaigns Overview:
  • Track how each of your campaigns is doing, by looking at how many emails were SENT, FAILED and READ
  • Delete any upcoming campaigns
Bounce Management Overview:
  • No more annoying bounce emails filling your Inbox
  • Every time the cron runs, it automatically sets the email status to inactive on any bounced emails
  • PM sent to user to update his/her e-mail address!
Example of a log when one is bounced:

Email sent [sadfjasdfj2234rr32ff@email.com] using [smtp]

Connected to mail.mydomainhere.com
Logged in as username@mydomainhere.com
Fetched message list

Found bounce [sadfjasdfj2234rr32ff@email.com]
sadfjasdfj2234rr32ff@email.com: Email inactivated
sadfjasdfj2234rr32ff@email.com: Bounce email deleted

Connection closed

EPC vbMailer Variables Overview:

Although you can use anything in the 'user' table as a template variable, the most useful are provided in this list:

EPC vbMailer Variables Test Email

So basically you would setup and form e-mail going out to all as an example:

Dear [username],

Today it has come to our attention your posts total today are [posts] posts on the forums.

Total warnings you have on file are [warnings] warnings!

You have a total of [pmtotal] PM?s inside your inbox on the forums, also do note that you have a total of [pmunread] unread PM?s

Your webpage is located at: [homepage]

On file we have the following Instant Messengers:

ICQ: [icq]
AIM: [aim]
YAHOO: [yahoo]
MSN: [msn]
SKYPE: [skype]

Your User ID, which is a number and can be found to be as follows: [userid]

Your sign-up IP address was: [ipaddress]

Best regards,
EPC vbMailer and Team
EPC vbMailer Outcome E-mail

Enough of that one, below you?ll see the outcome of the e-mail:

Dear BillyBoyGates,

Today it has come to our attention your posts total today are 0 posts on the forums.

Total warnings you have on file are 0 warnings!

You have a total of 0 PM?s inside your inbox on the forums, also do note that you have a total of 0 unread PM?s

Your webpage is located at: http://www.billyboygates.com/

On file we have the following Instant Messengers:

ICQ: 999999
AIM: bloggermania
YAHOO: yahoosucks@yahoo.com
MSN: billyboygates@hotmail.com
SKYPE: skyperockstotally

Your User ID, which is a number and can be found to be as follows: 1

Your sign-up IP address was:

Best regards,
EPC vbMailer and Team

You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting the forums where this was sent from and requesting not to receive emails from administrators any more.


You have installed at LEAST 5+ separate hacks to mount up to what we just created but coded you here in the LITE version, do note this, in the FULL version for less than a happy meal you will have even more flexibility. Whether you wanted to run a newsletter, or send out a series of e-mails (autoresponders) or simply schedule the sending times and letting EPC vbMailer will do it for you seamlessly.

In the LITE version, you will need to note, there is a set limit on how many e-mails that can be sent out due to the core of the LITE wasn?t designed to handle UNLIMITED.

Make sure you check it out in the LITE first to see if this is something you would like, with full SUPPORT too you if you clicked install. Bottom line, we are just happy to accommodate anyone and everyone.

How do I get support?

Also comes with a 22 page End-User Documentation, all clean and sectioned out for you in PDF. Make sure you have Adobe READER v6+ not a RIPPER

Support is given to those who click INSTALL...

However if you have questions before installing do let us know, we have tested this on 3.6.8, and if you have a forums that is prior, please let us know if this works and report this here! Others will appreciate it a lot.

All support for the LITE version will be held here only if you click install, and if you purchase the full version all support is handled in the order received by our full-time reps in the CSC, NO support is held here for the FULL version!

So here's the LITE version and it comes with a full set of instructions and if you require any assistance on how to find feeds and what places are best for feeds, do post them in here.

Also if you post anything in here that has NOTHING to do with the hack and support, question related issues, i.e. Starting drama on anything not related to this hack, "it is no good", "I guess this will ruin this", and blah blah, keep your drama out please!


Please do not remove this Copyright notice.
As you see this is a free script accordingly under GPL laws and you will see
a license attached accordingly to GNU.
You may NOT rewrite another hack and release it to the vBulletin.org community or ELSEWHERE using this code without our permission due to the fact we have a full version and this full version is a paid version, as this version will differ but some
of the logistics are the same. So do NOT try to release a hack using any part of our code without written permission from us!
Copyright 2007, BlogToRank

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
Change Log

  • 'Unique reads' statistic addition, no charts
    • vs. FULL 'Unique reads' & 'Link clicks', charts
  • Attachment via compose email only
    • vs. FULL Saved attachments via templates, autoresponders or compose email
  • Bounced emails set all communication via e-mail options to inactive
    • vs. FULL Bounced emails set all options to inactive & PMs user
  • No link tracking
    • vs. FULL Link tracking and 'Link clicks' statistic
  • Campaign deletion
  • Choose user group to send to
  • Bounced email admin notification (Sent to admin PM)
  • HTML/Text user option (Under User CP and upon user registration and is REQUIRED at registration)
  • Campaign deletion
  • Bounced email user notification (previously only in FULL)
  • Fixed a security vulnerability to our the tracker and the /admincp/vbmailer.php
  • Fixed a bug within our product install. (Recommend you do a fresh install of this product file)
  • Fixed a few other minor things and we highly recommend a download and update immediately.
  • Fixed a hanging process within the Send E-Mail by the RUN Now being processed
  • Added the Signature Line to be manually modified within the settings of LITE and FULL version
  • Update to the nl2br to fix broken issues with Outlook Express of receiving text e-mails, because Microsoft decided to NOT respect the \r\n format, so it's known as the nl2br
    \r\n = "<br>"
  • Few other snags cleaned up to put this to v1.5.

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Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 03-18-2008, 02:19 PM
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why i can't see this text editor:

I'm just getting this one (on IE, Opera, Firefox):

what i'm doing wrong?
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Old 03-18-2008, 02:48 PM
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also i'm gettin this when i send and email

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Old 04-02-2008, 06:00 AM
Marco van Herwaarden Marco van Herwaarden is offline
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Originally Posted by Paul M View Post
Please take note of Marco's post above - this thread is for support issues for the lite version only. Posts relating to the full version will be removed and the posters will receive an infraction for ignoring staff.
Again had to clean this thread from discussion regarding the commercial version.

No discusion of the commercial version is allowed here.
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Old 04-03-2008, 11:35 PM
redraider redraider is offline
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Originally Posted by hornstar1337 View Post
No I think there may have been some confusion before.

Basically the paid subscriptions in vbulletin when someone signs up and buys something from the forums/payments.php page there is no email/pm notification sent to them. For people who use the paid subscriptions in vbulletin for one thing or another, it is quite often very useful to set up a email/pm notification to say thanks, or to let them know what they have to do next, or to let them know what features that now have access to etc. but currently there is only one mod on vbulletin.org that does this, but it is buggy.

I pretty much want the exact same mod that I showed you before (the premium version of it), with the extra feature I suggested (being able to set up unique emails for each different subscription you have set up) and without the bugs that it comes with.

If that was provided in this mod (or as a separate mod) but I think it comes under the inclusion of this mod as it is a All in One Email solution. It would really make my day!

I really love this mod and would like to buy that. But before that I wanted to confirm if this feature now available in the mod (lite or paid ..which one? ):


Please let me know.

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Old 04-09-2008, 10:47 AM
asasi asasi is offline
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My server make us limited to send just 200 emails per hour. how can I use this mod and it will send 200 emails per hour?

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Old 04-12-2008, 03:37 PM
quickregister quickregister is offline
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I purchased this software and it flat out does not work. I have a forum on a dedicated server with over 65,000 members. I have the latest version of Vbulletin as well. I gave the Blogtorank people my server log ins. Even they could not get it to work. They then suggested I purchase their more advanced $60. MadMailer software. Disaster. Glitchy. Did not even send out mail. Completely unusable. They then ignored my support emails. I wanted this to work. I emailed them over and over. Money was not a problem. Even they were unable to get their script to work. I tried disputing with Paypal. They immediately escalated it to a dispute which automatically finds in their favor with software purchases.
So they do look at their email! And they know the Paypal refund policies better than I do.
Funny because I have done business with over 6400 verified Paypal members and I did not know this. Because I try to satisfy my customers. The good news is that I found software that works perfectly for mailing with Vbulletin. They have a datasync feature
which interfaces with outside mysql databases on a cron. Really cool! It is with the Active Campaign people and is called 12all. Removes, bounces, autoresponders are handled perfectly and their support is fast and superb. I liked it so much I bought 2 $189. licenses! I know it is expensive but if you do not want to waste your time I recommend them highly. No affiliate link here, I do not work for them just a super satisfied customer. Forget Blogtorank, MadMailer, or this joke of a software that they are trying to peddle on this forum. I gave them every chance to make it work. I do not usually write posts like this. I like to keep it positive but these guys deserve all the bad press they are getting. Check out the other posts about these guys on this forum. 12all with Active Campaign works. Mad Mailer, VBmailer, Blogtorank are disasters. I would not take their software for free. My time is more valuable. Check out Active Campaign 12all if you want something that really works for sending out mail with Vbulletin.
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Old 04-20-2008, 02:42 AM
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Originally Posted by misticjeff View Post
Hey Guys,

I too was looking for a "newsletter" mod and thought this might do the trick until I started reading about the coding and support, or lack thereof. So I continued my quest and stumbled upon a great piece of software. The downside is that if you are on a budget this will not work for you.

up to 4 separate lists
2 admin users
unlimited mailings

The best part is that it comes with database integration which worked perfectly with my 50,000+ user vBulletin forum. I also run a smaller 3,000+ user vB forum and sent my first Newsletter out today without flaw.

Take a look... I do not work for the company, just a VERY satisfied user.


There is also a good explanation of how to use the database sync here:

all I can say from full version is for the price paying for the mailing part I myself installed it and works fine and sending to all my users I did some test and verified
as of the support they seem very buzy and will need more then patent to get to your goals but the main part does work well
as of the HTML text editor is where I wish I was able to be the perfect guru as its not yet working but waiting over there support cause its prob my mistake in understanding or missing something ... guess will wait to see
NEED TO REMEMBER that this is extra
and for the price paid is not 159$ US but 6$
I believe its not always the mod or programmers fault that is wrong but what surounds it and must sometimes be taken into concideration .
example am using editatrea_0_7_1 in third party line number text editor would it mixed into somehow ... I wouldnt say yet but what if...
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Old 06-15-2008, 03:36 PM
asasi asasi is offline
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our server limit us to send just 200 emails per hour. can I use your mod to make email sending rate 200 emails/hour ?

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Old 07-20-2008, 02:06 PM
riverplate.com riverplate.com is offline
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i have created a campaign and when reviewing the date to start it's " 07/20/2000 12:05:00 PM", so it will never start. Any ideas?

thanks in advance
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Old 10-19-2008, 11:29 PM
Bluefin221 Bluefin221 is offline
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Problem seems to be you can't get the config file to work, without configuring it how is it supposed to know what to do, it renders it useless, has anyone else been able to get the config file working?
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