Am I reading this correctly, 1 million unique IP's per day??? That's a crapload of traffic, you should be swimming in the ad money!
Actually, I screwed that up. I've never checked unique ip's in the tracking software before last week and when I did, I thought it showed an average of 32,000,000 unique ip's a month. It is actually 3,200,000 and change, which really isn't the same thing. I guess a 103,000 unique ip's a day is nothing to sneeze at. In my defense, I use Extreme Tracking and their stats are a bit confusing.. Eric
My site currently receives visits from about 1,000,000 unique ip numbers a day. We receive 55,000 or so new messages a week. The site started out as a hobby and it has only been in the last three years or so that I began to commercialize it. It is making decent money now, but I suspect that its earning potential is much higher.
google won't let me run Adsense, due to the fact that the topic of my site is firearms related. What are some other avenues I can follow to monetize the site? Are affiliate programs like Commission Junction worth the trouble? Any advice would be appreciated. Eric
By far the best program on Commission Junction is eBay. You send visitors to ebay and get paid for whatever they buy or if they create a new account you get $25. I make waay more from ebay than I do from adsense. For example I am running both adsense and ebay through ZinText on my forum archives and I do 3x more with ebay.
i run a street bike site and a gaming site the gaming site make at least 100 dollars a month and my bike site doubles it and there both 600 members or smaller
Running a messageboard with 14K registered users, 1.5 million post in 40K threads and have an average of about 3,500 absolute unique visitors every day. I saw someone (on one of the first pages of this thread) make the remark that you should make a fortune with that. Apparently he knows how, so show me the way.
I run a messageboard in the gaming industry and I don't earn a dime from it. Even though I have been offered 1-2 CPM rates by some respective ad-companies. So why do I don't earn a dime? Main reason behind that, from where I am standing, is because when you get an offer from an ad-company nowadays they only have a US-orientated inventory and only pay for the US visitors. Which at my site is only 4-5%. So my main problem is that about 75% is from Europe (55% UK & Ireland).
I don't own a big-board, but am a co-admin on a semi-big board i think, it has 25,000 members (just pruned) and about 130-180 posts a day. We make our money purely by subscription to our 'members section'
amount edited...asked by owner
You have 25,000 users that make 130 posts a day each or all together?!?! That seems a little off... I only have about 170 active users that make like ~1300 posts a day... but all together...
To answer the question, $0. I have no ads anywhere.