Version: 1.00, by Velocd
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 04-09-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 100
No support by the author.
In vBulletin 3 there is an option for members to upload a profile picture. This hack provides more incentive for members to upload their picture, as it integrates a gallery to browse them all. :up:
In addition to browsing profile pictures, there is an option for viewing signatures. This comes in handy, for you don't have to browse through each individual member. Also, a "edit signature" link is provided for moderators, for fast access to editing signatures that aren't in accordance with your rules.
Other Features
Require pictures to be approved in order to be visible. You can exempt specified usergroups from this.
Thumbnails are generated for profile pictures. You must have GD installed and enabled via the AdminCP options page.
For more insight, refer to the attached screenshots, or install it!
Upgrade to 2.0
Redo steps 7-8, 11-12, 19-20, 26, 27, and 34
Revert the template "modifyprofilepic", and do steps 29-32
Run the following queries:
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD disapproved smallint(5) not null default'0';
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD reason varchar(100) not null;
This hack does not support uploading multiple images per account.
Profile thumbnail sizes are defined by the attachment thumbnail sizes. So modify the attachment thumbnail sizes in your AdminCP options page if you wish to change the profile picture thumbnail sizes. Be sure to run "re-generate thumbnails" via the vB3 Member Album -> Approve Images" page.
Profile picture sizes (not thumbnails) are defined for each usergroup. Modify a usergroup via AdminCP to change the dimensions members under that group are allowed to have for profile pictures.
3rd Party Add-ons
Pseudomizer has posted a migration script that will transfer your files from my old vB2 Member Photo to the correct tables in this vB3 hack. Click here to view.
Pseudomizer also posted a portal-integration allowing you to display a random profile picture on your portal. Click here to view.
One more silly request then, could you CTRL + F5 that page to ensure that it's not a browser cache thing... even Firefox still cached the bad results when I finally fixed mine.
If not... then I shall see what else this could be, which might involve you looking for things in your code
Negative, I've cleared cache and restarted browsers.. Nothing.. Even installed latest Firefox again since I hadn't gotten the last version and figured I would test not just on IE.. Nothing! It just won't bring up an image using that pthumb stuff..
In vBulletin 3 there is an option for members to upload a profile picture. This hack provides more incentive for members to upload their picture, as it integrates a gallery to browse them all. :up:
In addition to browsing profile pictures, there is an option for viewing signatures. This comes in handy, for you don't have to browse through each individual member. Also, a "edit signature" link is provided for moderators, for fast access to editing signatures that aren't in accordance with your rules.
Other Features
Require pictures to be approved in order to be visible. You can exempt specified usergroups from this.
Thumbnails are generated for profile pictures. You must have GD installed and enabled via the AdminCP options page.
For more insight, refer to the attached screenshots, or install it!
Upgrade to 2.0
Redo steps 7-8, 11-12, 19-20, 26, 27, and 34
Revert the template "modifyprofilepic", and do steps 29-32
Run the following queries:
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD disapproved smallint(5) not null default'0';
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD reason varchar(100) not null;
This hack does not support uploading multiple images per account.
Profile thumbnail sizes are defined by the attachment thumbnail sizes. So modify the attachment thumbnail sizes in your AdminCP options page if you wish to change the profile picture thumbnail sizes. Be sure to run "re-generate thumbnails" via the vB3 Member Album -> Approve Images" page.
Profile picture sizes (not thumbnails) are defined for each usergroup. Modify a usergroup via AdminCP to change the dimensions members under that group are allowed to have for profile pictures.
3rd Party Add-ons
Pseudomizer has posted a migration script that will transfer your files from my old vB2 Member Photo to the correct tables in this vB3 hack. Click here to view.
Pseudomizer also posted a portal-integration allowing you to display a random profile picture on your portal. Click here to view.
In albumcp.php, which is the one in the admincp folder, find the following:
PHP Code:
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customprofilepic
SET thumbnaildata = '" . $DB_site->escape_string($thumbnail) . "'
WHERE picture_id = $image[picture_id]
Replace that with:
PHP Code:
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customprofilepic
SET thumbnaildata = '" . $DB_site->escape_string($thumbnail['filedata']) . "'
WHERE picture_id = $image[picture_id]
Finally, you might also want to do find this in that file:
PHP Code:
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'rebuildthumbs')
And follow it with this, adjusting the number of seconds to suit your needs:
PHP Code:
That last bit simply allows the rebuild thumbnails thing to run for 120 seconds = 2 minutes... because there's no pagination stuff in that script and it will probably time out if you have a load of users to rebuild thumbs for.
Other things you might want to do whilst your here... take a look at this thread:
And then execute this piece of SQL if you haven't already:
ALTER TABLE `customprofilepic` ADD INDEX ( `userid` )
Obviously prepending any TABLE_PREFIX that you use, if indeed you use one.
Any more bugs with this? Probably, so let's resolve them eh? Just report them and there's nothing stopping you lot looking around and trying to figure it out too
i did everything there :-( and i still see the red x n e idea what to do?
Installed here on my vb 3.03, and I'm getting the strange sig dating (1969) and the broken thumbnails just as the rest are. I only have one profile pic in there (mine) since this is a test forum, and while the picture shows up in my profile, the thumbnail is broken in the gallery and the admincp. And before you ask, yes, I have GD enabled, and yes, I rebuilt the thumbs in the member gallery option area of the admincp.
Anyone have ideas? Hellloooooo? Don't get me wrong, this is a great idea for a hack, but 3.03 seems to be making it cry.
If this can't be fixed, how do I uninstall this? I don't mean reverting the files and templates, that's the easy part; how can I "undo" the queries and the changes they wrought onto my database?
I just noticed that the last time Velocd posted in this thread was May 24. As a mod I know he's busy and all, but he did agree to support this hack, didn't he? (Glances up at the thread title) Yep, he did. So since he is a moderator, can Velocd the Moderator put some pressure on Velocd the hack author to figure out what's going on with the thumbnail issue, pleeeeeeeeeeease? Thanks!
I've installed it, and after some tweaking of the database queries, I got it to run.
I rebuild the thumbnails, saved the settings. I've set it that pics don't need to be approved.
But when I in my Admin account and another regular users account look at the Profile Pictures Members Album, I get two images (of 14) - the ones which uploaded since installing the hack. The others just show up as blank. Nothing there, no red x's or words or anything.
And yet some of my other regular users can see 14 images in there.
Sorry about not updating this hack (and others), as I've been concentrating lately on the Article Bot I've released, but moreover my actual job has consumed 95% of my time for coding.
I'll read through this thread (which is a lot!) and post a complete update soon. (aiming for this weekend)