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The XEON Mp3 Player for vBulletin 3.6.X Integrated Details »»
The XEON Mp3 Player for vBulletin 3.6.X Integrated
Version: 4.0.1, by syrus.xl syrus.xl is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2016 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.6.11 Rating:
Released: 10-21-2006 Last Update: 09-20-2008 Installs: 335
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

The XEON Mp3 Player for vBulletin 3.6.X

Design: Syrus XL Media 2003-2007
Coding Update: vBmotion.com

Demo: www.digitalport.co.uk (Click Entertainment>XEON Mp3 Player)

Important: Supported only on Digital Port UK

Update Rev: 4.0.1 - Navbar code updated to work with vBadvanced CMPS outside the forum directory.
Updated Rev: 4.0.0 - All known bugs fixed in AdminCP, these include the Approve Mp3 issue and the Edit Mp3 problem.
Added: 21/04/07 - XEON Player in vB Custom Page Instructions.zip
Demo: http://www.digitalport.co.uk/digital...&template=Xeon

Version: 3.6.0 coding (Major UPDATE) *see below
Version: 3.5.1 coding (Product XML file updated)
Version: 3.0 XEON Player (Shuffle disabled) *Player Only Package* added.

Fully compatible and tested on vBulletin 3.6.0, 3.7 and up.

No example tracks are included in this version.

*IMPORTANT: About version 3.6!!*

If you have installed this modification prior to the latest version 3.6, it is recommended that you update to the latest version 3.6 immediately. Older versions contain a Security Hole in the admin section. All database errors have been fixed, special thanks to Code Monkey.

[high]External Data Pull[/high]
This modification is designed to pull data from internal and external servers. Check that you enter full urls to pull external data or the modification will fail to read.

  • Can hold upto 500 mp3 tracks (5 playlists with 100 tracks in each)
  • Automatically cuts off access to playlists if 100 tracks are reached
  • All track data held in database
  • Volume & Pan(balance) Controls
  • Add mp3's through AdminCP or via Popup
  • PM system notifcation of new tracks submitted
  • Edit/Delete/Approve/Deny tracks via AdminCP
  • Usergroup Permissions for adding tracks and viewing of player
  • Multi-functional display on mp3 player
  • WOL Enabled - see who's using the mp3 player
  • Stream and Buffer parameters per track
  • Track pre-loading on display
This version is not compatible with the XML driven vbMp3 Player I released awhile ago (you may uninstall or leave in, as this version uses renamed files). The player, and all code have been changed, and now fully utilizes the vBulletin AdminCP for settings, mp3 playlist management, usergroup permissions.

[high]Known Issues:[/high]

Overwrite all files with the new package XEON Mp3 Player v4.0.0
Import the Product XML file using the vBulletin Product Manager. Go to Mp3 Player Management and update settings and Save.

Template edit:
(required on new install or upgrade, unless you have installed other products from us.).
In the headinclude template -
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>

Above add:

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/flashobject.js"></script>
If this line of code already exists then DO NOT ADD IT!

End of Update


Upload the contents of the ?Upload folder? to your forum root. Import the ?product-mp3player.xml? file via ?Plugins & Products? ? Manage Products ? Import Product in your AdminCP. Press F5 or refresh your browser window to view the Mp3 Player Management menu. Once you install this version make sure you Update the MP3 Management settings and click SAVE, failure to do so will result in an error if you enable the custom PM notification system.

Template Edits:
These edits are based on the default vBulletin style, you may need to change if you have a custom style.

AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
After add:
<!-- Mp3 Player Launch -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('$vboptions[bburl]/mp3playerindex.php?do=viewmp3playerpopup','newWin','width=500,height=500,left=0,top=0, toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=1,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No');
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);">vbMp3 Player</a></td>
<!-- End Mp3 Player Launch -->
Now, navigate to AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager ? adjust usergroups permissions as required. Default is all usergroups have no access.

You now have the vbMp3 XEON player installed!

[high]Update notifications can only be sent out if you have clicked 'INSTALL'.[/high]

More players will available shortly.


Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-10-2006, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by AMG021
Hey im still getting that error it still doesn't seem to let me put music that has spaces
No urls should be entered in a web url or it will cause problems. You should either delete spaces or replace them with an underscore, which is the correct way of entering urls.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:45 PM
AMG021 AMG021 is offline
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it works when i put it into the firefox. or any webbrowser it works
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:53 PM
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Yes, some browsers will read it with spaces, but it is not a standard that is acceptable to all browsers. A space in IE will be changed to '%20' without the quotes, which is the equivilent of a space in another browser.

Flash cannot read spaces in urls imported into it either, what you'll find is you end up causing problems. Flash can read '%20' as a space, but not an actual space. It also varies on the flash version being used by the browser, not all browsers have the ability to read spaces.

So, you end up with 3 options.. use am underscore, no space at all or replace all spaces with %20 (but that looks messy).
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Hi Chris-777,

Yeah, thats one way of using this, using an iframe as opposed to the popup system. This was only adopted so people could carry on listening to music while surfing your website. The update will probably have a dfferent approach since we are thinking of adding a dropdown menu system with a popup, and an 'Add Tracks' link (multiple track adding).

Now, the big question - as for uploading mp3's from your desktop, this feature maybe incorporated in the paid version, but it will only work if your host supports php.ini override - what we have here is a 'bottle-neck' - am 'upload' feature can be added, but normal PHP restrictions only allow 2Mb of data, unless your host has this setup differently or you can change it using a php.ini file upto a maximum of 50Mb. It will be a feature that I'll add, but it will be 'host' dependent. Other details like bandwidth would also need to be considered.
Thanks very much for the quick reply. My site's for musicians to submit MP3s to, and many of them just don't have hosting. I've been using Cole's long-since-abandoned jukebox mod for the time being, and yours is just a lot nicer.

Is there a way right now to drop the playlists out and just have one master list? That, and being able to restrict the amount of MP3s uploaded/added by usergroup is really all I'd need for now to get this pushed out to my general masses.

Great mod all around and definitely looking forward to new versions. Like I said above, if you offer a premium version with more features, I'm all about it.
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:02 PM
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For the sake of testing stuff, here's what it looks like in an iframe using webtemplates. Rather sleek I must say, especially without the iframe border (left in so you can see it):

It looks nice for playing, but as you can see, when you go to add mp3s, there's a small issue (heheh) of two navbars. I think iframe might not work since there's no real way to tell the parent frame to switch within an iframe.

Also, once you submit an MP3, there's no way to get back to the original screen from this screen here (simple edit, but you might want to plug that in):

I'm just super-psyched to see a solid mp3/jukebox mod out for vB, I've been drooling over something like this for quite some time.

If it's not a silly question, is there a good way to just have the flash module centered in a page, navbars and all? I haven't had a ton of time to play with the URL but it'd be slick to be able to get this out of a webtemplate/iframe and just have it sit by itself with a normal header/navbar/footer.
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris-777
Thanks very much for the quick reply. My site's for musicians to submit MP3s to, and many of them just don't have hosting. I've been using Cole's long-since-abandoned jukebox mod for the time being, and yours is just a lot nicer.

Is there a way right now to drop the playlists out and just have one master list? That, and being able to restrict the amount of MP3s uploaded/added by usergroup is really all I'd need for now to get this pushed out to my general masses.

Great mod all around and definitely looking forward to new versions. Like I said above, if you offer a premium version with more features, I'm all about it.
Currently, this would require major re-coding of the player, vb templates, and php files - since they are set to accept 5 playlists. The player wouldn't be too hard to adjust, but the php and vb templates, and admin side would require major re-work. especially allowing uploading through vBulletin.

The playlists are created by using just one php file, but the mp3 player adds extra commands depending on playlist required, however this could be changed, setting a default parameter within the player.
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris-777
For the sake of testing stuff, here's what it looks like in an iframe using webtemplates. Rather sleek I must say, especially without the iframe border (left in so you can see it):

It looks nice for playing, but as you can see, when you go to add mp3s, there's a small issue (heheh) of two navbars. I think iframe might not work since there's no real way to tell the parent frame to switch within an iframe.

Also, once you submit an MP3, there's no way to get back to the original screen from this screen here (simple edit, but you might want to plug that in):

I'm just super-psyched to see a solid mp3/jukebox mod out for vB, I've been drooling over something like this for quite some time.

If it's not a silly question, is there a good way to just have the flash module centered in a page, navbars and all? I haven't had a ton of time to play with the URL but it'd be slick to be able to get this out of a webtemplate/iframe and just have it sit by itself with a normal header/navbar/footer.
It's a simple case of just putting the player on a page, however it could be done by just creating a new vbulletin page with header and footer includes. I'll have a look tomorrow at coding a single page with the player embedded. Haven't got time now, its quite late in the UK...lol
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:28 PM
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Heheh, no worries. If you're at all interested in doing a paid, branded version of this for my site, shoot me a PM and we can discuss.

Edit: Thanks again, btw.
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Old 11-11-2006, 01:45 PM
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just installed this, but i get the following error.

http://www.southwestscoobies.org.uk/index.php www.southwestscoobies.org.uk Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061025 Firefox/ 404 /xeon.htm

how do i overcome this?
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Old 11-11-2006, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Derekclarke
just installed this, but i get the following error.

http://www.southwestscoobies.org.uk/index.php www.southwestscoobies.org.uk Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061025 Firefox/ 404 /xeon.htm

how do i overcome this?
xeon.htm is referring to a previous version of this modification. This version use no HTML - its all php and vbulletin templates, therefore the file you have referenced is not part of this modification.
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