Version: 1.00, by MindTrix
Developer Last Online: Jul 2013
Version: 3.0.3
Released: 08-08-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 93
No support by the author.
Ladys and Gentlemen, i give you, The Rap Battle System -=RBS=-
Many people have been requesting this so here it is. Took along time so im hoping it becomes a popular hack :nervous:
Hmmm there are a few. Select the forum which the battle hack works in via the admin cp
Can edit a users win/loss record via the admincp aswell.
When someone wins a battle it automatically adds it to their win count and the opposite if they lose
The thread does not auto close because in my many years of experience people like to post/argue on after a battle is won or lost.
Erm oh and you submit your favourite line from the battle and it will get added to a database, then lines are randomly shown on the forum homepage.
Check the installation.txt for the full list, Also there is loads more features to come. Hopefully some people will release some addons maybe
Screenshot time wohoo
Oh yeah, the install button is your friend
Attachment edited/upgraded on 15th August 2004 had 87 views woot
Edited attachment on 15/1/2005 to stop all polls closing after one vote. Fix submitted by KingPooky!
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ok ima ask everything in 1 post deleted a couple of mine
1st how do i make it so you cannot vote for yourself?
Also is there any way to make it work in more than 1 forum? (too late now) but i got a tourney goin, and it would be awesome to make tourney wins count on records
the random quote text is same color as BG how i fix that?
and is there any way i can input peoples records, because people do have records they want to keep and you know record is 0-0 as of now.
and i forgot who did the update with k.o's added n stuff, but i noticed there was no ko mention in postbit or postbit legacy, how do i add ko's in the postbit?
I decided to add a confirmation page so they must read it and then click on the link to take them to a new post.
Attached is the confirm.php and the template, confirm.txt. Upload the confirm.php to your forum directory and create a new template called confirm. In the confirm template you will need to add your own html with what you want it to say, then you can add a static link that takes them directly to the post page in that forum.
Adding the conditions for your specified battle forum, this will replace all 3 instances of "Submit New Thread":
Important: Be sure to change your forum ID as specified.
<if condition="$show['newthreadlink']"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option">
<if condition="$foruminfo[forumid] == 106"> //<--- Change to your battle forum ID number
<a href="">
<else />
<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&f=$foruminfo[forumid]"></if>$vbphrase[post_a_new_thread]</a></td></tr></if>
yeah that dont work, u didnt give the right stuff to put in confirm template, what we supposed to do? guess?