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Additional Navbar
Version: 1.00, by attroll attroll is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.0 Rating:
Released: 05-15-2004 Last Update: 06-05-2004 Installs: 126
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.

Dispite what category this is in it works with vBulletin 3.5. Just read the directions.

What this does is create another navbar with drop down menu?s by typing $navbar2 in any of your templates. It is just like the one that comes with vBulletin 3.

After seeing a lot of replies about users wanting another navbar besides the basic one that comes with vBulletin. I waited for someone else to write one. But no one stepped forward and wrote one. I wanted this for my site and got tired of waiting for someone else to write it. So I played around and created this one for myself. I though I would share it with everyone.

Note: If you do not want to add a separate navbar template you can also substitute the steps in 5A through 5D and insert the navbar2.txt after you have edited it the way you want and into the same places as I mentioned for the $navbar2 in your default navbar and you will not have to do any of these other steps.

I put a lot of description tags in the HTML file to help explain what everything does. Once you understand what is going on here you can removed these. With very little modifications you can add to, remove or move items around in this navbar.

1. To install this hack you will have to create a template in you ADMINCP and call it ?navbar2? and insert the contents of the attached file "navbar2.txt" into this template file. Right now it is set up for my site. So you will have to modify it to what you want in this navbar for your site.

2. Put the following command in your phpinclude_start template:
PHP Code:
eval('$navbar2 = "' fetch_template('navbar2') . '";'); 
2A. This is for users that have vB 3.5 and up. Step 2 will not work because the phpinclude_start template no longer exist in versions 3.5 and higher. So for 3.5 users ignore step 2 and use 2A.

Plugin System
Add new Plugin

Hook Location: global_start
Title: navbar2
Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:
eval('$navbar2 = "' fetch_template('navbar2') . '";'); 
3. Now put the following command in you header or what ever template where your want the new navbar to be displayed (samples of where to put them are in the attached photos and directions are in 5A, B, C, D.):
PHP Code:
4. Since the template is uncached you will have an extra query on each page. To fix, open global.php
PHP Code:
// misc useful 
Add below:
PHP Code:
5A. Under current Navigation / Breadcrumb Templaters - navbar:
<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
Below that place:
5B. On top of forums tables:
<!-- / PAGENAV POPUP -->
Below that place:
5C. Under your header:
<br />
<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->
Above that add:
5D. Top of current navbar:
<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->
Under that add:
vBadvance CMPS using vB 3.5 or higher. To get this working with the homepage you will have to do the following.

Go into your ADMINCP-->vBa CPMS-->Default Setting-->Portal Output Global Variables and add navbar2 in the block there and save it.

Arcaded hack. You will need to go into your darcaded hack and edit a line. Here are the directions:
Go to you arcade/functions/functions.php
open it with a text editor:
global $header, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $stylevar, $headinclude, $bbuserinfo, $session, $show, $pmbox;
global $forumjump, $timezone, $logincode, $_USEROPTIONS, $scriptpath, $admincpdir, $modcpdir, $quickchooserbits;
Replace with:
global $header, $vbphrase, $vboptions, $stylevar, $headinclude, $bbuserinfo, $session, $show, $pmbox;
global $forumjump, $timezone, $logincode, $_USEROPTIONS, $scriptpath, $admincpdir, $modcpdir, $quickchooserbits, $navbar2;

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 01-27-2006, 09:46 PM
dcpaq2xx dcpaq2xx is offline
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I have been comparing this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=92012 mod with Attrol's and I am trying to figure out what the differences are.

What does Attrol's mod do that the other guys doesnt do?


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Old 01-28-2006, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by dcpaq2

I have been comparing this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=92012 mod with Attrol's and I am trying to figure out what the differences are.

What does Attrol's mod do that the other guys doesnt do?


This guy is doing the same thing except he is doing it in the defualt navbar template. He also does not have any drop down menus in there for users to edit if they want them. It is your chice. You can put it in your default navbar or you can creat a second navbar template. I find it easier to edit the seond navbar template myself.
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Old 01-28-2006, 03:14 AM
dcpaq2xx dcpaq2xx is offline
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Originally Posted by attroll
This guy is doing the same thing except he is doing it in the defualt navbar template. He also does not have any drop down menus in there for users to edit if they want them. It is your chice. You can put it in your default navbar or you can creat a second navbar template. I find it easier to edit the seond navbar template myself.
So basically your saying that your mod is more thourough, easier to work with as far as making changes, and does more or something like that?

Also Im kinda having trouble with creating the second template as the instructions are unclear to me as to where I actually and how to create it. Could you explain a little more in detail or update your installation instruction so they are a little more indepth on how to do this?

I am kinda leary on installing your mod versus his because of this and I am wondering if all this extra steps to install yours compared to his program is going to cause me problems or issues everytime Vbulletin comes out with a new version of VB or have conflicts with other mods or programs.

Im just trying to keep the least amount of hacks and mods out of my site as possible but still accomplishing what I want out of the site.

The less hacks the better, My last board was PHPBB and it sucks, what a headache.

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Old 01-28-2006, 06:09 AM
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Originally Posted by dcpaq2
So basically your saying that your mod is more thourough, easier to work with as far as making changes, and does more or something like that?

Also Im kinda having trouble with creating the second template as the instructions are unclear to me as to where I actually and how to create it. Could you explain a little more in detail or update your installation instruction so they are a little more indepth on how to do this?

I am kinda leary on installing your mod versus his because of this and I am wondering if all this extra steps to install yours compared to his program is going to cause me problems or issues everytime Vbulletin comes out with a new version of VB or have conflicts with other mods or programs.

Im just trying to keep the least amount of hacks and mods out of my site as possible but still accomplishing what I want out of the site.

The less hacks the better, My last board was PHPBB and it sucks, what a headache.

I know exactly what you mean about having the least amount of hacks on your site. I learned that the hard way. When I first started using vBulletin years ago I went hack crazy and started installing all kinds of hacks on my site. But over the years of doing updates and upgradeds with vBulletin it became a real pain in the butt to keep putting these hacks back in every time you did an update. So now I have very few hacks.

You will have to decide which one is best for you whether it is mine or the other hack. I am not going to try and talk you into doing mine. If you think it is going to cause you problems later then do not do it. But it should not cause any problems and if it did you could just remove it. You are going to need to understand some basic HTML as you will need to with installing any hack. You are going to have to know how to edit the navbar to put your links into it in order for it to work. As far as installing the template this is what you are going to have to do.

Go into you ADMINCP and STYLES & TEMPLATES and go to your Default style and in the drop down menu pick ADD NEW TEMPLATE. Now name the template ?navbar2? and copy and past the text from the navbar2.txt file included in this hack into the template you just created. You will need to edit all the links in the template to the links you want in you new navbar. If you read through the new navbar code you just created you should be able to understand it if you know a little basic HTML. You might want to look at the code ahead of time before you install just to make sure you will be able to edit it and know what you are doing. It is identical to the default navbar template with the exception that I added a whole bunch of explanation in it.

It should not cause you problems installing it. Many othesr have installed it and have never ran into a problems. If you read down through the messages you will see that. But like I said you will have to make the decision on whether you want to install it or not. I am not a salesman and I am not going to talk you into it. I did not write this hack just to see how many people I could get to install it I wrote it because I did not want to clutter up my default navbar. When ever you do upgrades or updates it does not touch your personal templates that you created. There are pros and cons to both hacks and I have rambled on long enough. Sorry if I said too much. But I am here for support if you need help with installing it. I log on one or twice a day. If you have chat program send me a PM with the program and the name and I will added you to my chat and when I see you on I can help and walk you through the steps if you want or I might even install it for you if I am not to busy.
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Old 01-28-2006, 10:18 AM
dcpaq2xx dcpaq2xx is offline
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Thanks Attroll

I will give it some further thought, maybe try it on my test board and see what happens.

I will give you a shout if I need further help.

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Old 01-28-2006, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by dcpaq2
Thanks Attroll

I will give it some further thought, maybe try it on my test board and see what happens.

I will give you a shout if I need further help.

Here is another option for you that is identical to what the other hack does and maybe easier and I will also add it to the instruction here.

Take the navbar2.txt included in this hack and do all the modification you want to make the links you want and insert it in the same places that I mention to put the navbar2 in, in steps 5A through 5D.

This is the same thing other other guy is doing in his hack.
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Old 01-28-2006, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by attroll
Here is another option for you that is identical to what the other hack does and maybe easier and I will also add it to the instruction here.

Take the navbar2.txt included in this hack and do all the modification you want to make the links you want and insert it in the same places that I mention to put the navbar2 in, in steps 5A through 5D.

This is the same thing other other guy is doing in his hack.
I just added some directions on how to insert this into the default navbar in the original post in this hack.

For those of you that can not get the navbar2 to show up in your search results that come back with negetive results this will fix that problem. I don't like putting it in my default navbar and will not do it yet but I have tested this on my test site and it does work.
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Old 01-29-2006, 01:24 AM
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I think your missing the point I was trying to make. I simply was asking what the differences were between the two programs and which one would be the better one to go with regarding running into any issues when upgrading Vbulletin each time.

I dont have a problem with using YOUR mod as long as Im not going to have to be reinstalling it and fixing things everytime I do an upgrade of Vbulletin. Thats what I am mostly concerned about.

Anything I do on my VB site I try to get mods and scripts that operate specifically on plugins, plugin programs, and extra templates.

I try my best to avoid editing existing templates and things like that that there is a very good chance that will get wiped out or replaced when doing a VB upgrade.

Anyway this was what I was trying to ask in my existing post. Im not looking for your to try and convince me or sell me your mod, Im just wanting to know the differences between the two, which one is better, which one offers more features, and which one has less upgrade issues if there are any.

These are the kind of answers I am looking for.

Anyway I will be trying your mod on my test site to see what its like.

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Old 01-29-2006, 02:40 AM
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Originally Posted by dcpaq2

I think your missing the point I was trying to make. I simply was asking what the differences were between the two programs and which one would be the better one to go with regarding running into any issues when upgrading Vbulletin each time.

I dont have a problem with using YOUR mod as long as Im not going to have to be reinstalling it and fixing things everytime I do an upgrade of Vbulletin. Thats what I am mostly concerned about.

Anything I do on my VB site I try to get mods and scripts that operate specifically on plugins, plugin programs, and extra templates.

I try my best to avoid editing existing templates and things like that that there is a very good chance that will get wiped out or replaced when doing a VB upgrade.

Anyway this was what I was trying to ask in my existing post. Im not looking for your to try and convince me or sell me your mod, Im just wanting to know the differences between the two, which one is better, which one offers more features, and which one has less upgrade issues if there are any.

These are the kind of answers I am looking for.

Anyway I will be trying your mod on my test site to see what its like.

No I am not trying to convince you to use my hack. Like I said I am not a salesman. I don't care what hack you use. I only added the new option to it for those that did not want to do it the other way. I like to leave all option available to everyone. This is one mod I will stand behind and help in any way I can.

To answer you question. This will not cause any problems with upgrade issues. As for the other hack it might depending on what vBulletin does for upgrades in the future with their templates. If they were to restructure the default navbar template then it would mess with the hack that was installed in it. But I really do not see them doing anything like that. But you just never can tell what the next upgrade will involve.

As for the hack I created you would only have to insert $navbar2 in the proper location in the default navbar again if they did a major upgrade. Your personal made template that you create called navbar2 will never be touch my any of vBulletins upgrades.

There are pros and cons to either hack. There are cons to mine hack, it all depends on what other hacks you have installed in you site. I have very little hacks installed in my site at all. I can count the hacks I have installed on my site on one hand just about.
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Old 02-09-2006, 05:35 AM
jackiereitz jackiereitz is offline
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okay, i'm having some problems with my navbar2. I installed it exactly as shown (5d) but when i go to my vBa main page, it doesn't show. Then when I go from there to my forums, it shows. and if i go from my forums to my vBA page again, it works, but if i go DIRECTLY to my main vBa (index) page, it still doesn't work. Plus, my extra vBa pages I've created that I wanted to display from my navbar aren't showing my new navbar either. Any idea what's wrong?
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