Version: 1.00, by Gary King
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Version: 3.0.4
Released: 01-02-2004
Last Update: 03-16-2004
Installs: 527
No support by the author.
What does this hack do?
It shows the users who visited your forums in the last 24 hours (or today). This hack works similiarly like the one released for vBulletin 2.
NOTE: If you want to show 'Who was online today' on a separate page from forumhome, then download instructions-newpage.txt and onlinetoday.php instead of instructions-regular.txt
1 file modification
3 template modifications
0 queries to run
supports and uses phrases
usernames are formatted properly
invisible users only show to people who are supposed to see them (admins and whoever else you allowed)
integrated (makes it so that the Who Was Online bar is now collapseable
Look below
Credits: Thanks goes to Mystics, where this hack is based on his
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Well, just downloaded and installed and it resets at midnight
Also, how does one update this with "old" world-records from the previous incarnation of this hack? I can update the datastore table appropriately BUT the current data is cached so the database update is ignored.........
Also (in addition to the above). My install also 'resets' each day at midnight. I've followed the instructions very carefully and re-checked. Does anyone have any clues as to why this might happen that I can investigate?
Sorry, obviously not clear, I mean it doesn't 'save' the most online in a day. So for instance if 100 visited yesterday and then (so far) 50 today - it says "The most users online ever on one day is 50 on Today." rather than "The most users online ever on one day is 100 on Yesterday".
Sorry, obviously not clear, I mean it doesn't 'save' the most online in a day. So for instance if 100 visited yesterday and then (so far) 50 today - it says "The most users online ever on one day is 50 on Today." rather than "The most users online ever on one day is 100 on Yesterday".
Mine does? "Most users ever online in one day was 62 on 05-23-2004.." Posted direct from my forums.
Are you sure you manually ran this query on your database?
INSERT INTO datastore (title, data) VALUES ('todaymaxonline', 'a:2:{s:14:\"todaymaxonline\";i:1;s:18:\"todaymaxonlinedate\";i:1070000000;}')
If you didn't, it won't store it.
Here's the output from my database. "240" is the number of visitors today. So it's going in the database, but not being retained overnight.
mysql> select * from datastore where title like '%online%';
| title | data |
| todaymaxonline | a:2:{s:14:"todaymaxonline";i:240;s:18:"todaymaxonl inedate";i:1086044400;}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Mods and admins don't show in formatted text (bold/italic).
very good. i installed this just now, took about 10 minutes tops. only thing i changed was in the phrase "most_users_ever", i changed it from "on" to "in" a day. just sounded better. thank you!