Version: 1.0.4, by Boofo
Developer Last Online: Jun 2012
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 02-28-2008
Last Update: 03-13-2008
Installs: 270
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Site Map for vB3.7
Version 1.0.4
(By Boofo)
What does this product do?
This product will add a Site Map to your site, similar to the one on, but with no queries.
Version Information:
Version 1.0.1 --Initial release for vB3.7
Version 1.0.2 --Added additional site links to the bottom of the site map.
Version 1.0.3 --Added checks for external files (PhotoPost, The Arcade, Paul M's Flashchat Integration hack for vB3.7 and The Radio and TV hack). If the corresponding files are found on your site in their default locations, the links will show for those hacks. If the files are not found, the links will not show. Also added RSS Feeds buttons for Google, Windows Live and Yahoo.
Version 1.0.4 --Code has been totally re-written. Added RSS Feeds buttons for MSN, AOL, Bloglines, Newsgator and Technorati. Added new mouseover affect. Redid the file checks and made some of them product checks. Added vB News link.
Branding: A Copyright has been added to the footer and is not allowed to be removed. If you want the copyright removed, you must contact me via PM for terms.
A big thank you goes out to Kirk Y for supplying the core code, co-authoring and allowing me to release this for vB3.7. Also thanks goes out to Andreas and SirAdrian for their invaluable help and guidance.
Installation overview:
Products to install: (1)
Images to upload (10)
Additional CSS to install: (1)
Installation Instructions:
1. Upload the info.php file to your forums root directory. Add a link for it wherever you want it to show.
Example: <a href="info.php?do=sitemap">Site Map</a>
2. Upload the contents of the images/rss folder to the corresponding folder on your site.
3. Go to the Style Manager and click on "All Style Options."
Scroll down to the "Additional CSS Definitions" box at the bottom of the page.
Add the following CSS code to the box:
4. Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-boofo_sitemap.xml file on your computer
5. Go to your Admin CP
vBulletin Options -> External Data Provider -> Enable RSS Syndication
Check YES , you enable it and click SAVE
NOTE: If you do not click install, you do not need support.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I can think of a couple of great additions like including the other type of site maps that are obvious down the right side (perhaps) as well as other possibilties to!
The ones that could also be considered in the first instance imho would be
A link for the search engine one like the (is it) xml one for Google etc and also one that would incorporate pages from VB advanced and other possible usage of index page (CMS systems) as well as vb advanced's other pages or pages generated from well lets say Dreamweaver or even simple notepad pages eg anything & everything that should be getting seen and listed being done so.
Hope that is clear? SEO is my thing and am not completely au fait if I am making sense or speaking the right language for the likes of you experienced coders
She only has those errors on her portal page. The forums page shows right. It is because the link lacks the forums directory in it. She has been notified by PM about it.
Someone else mentioned extending this to include other pages. (Which was part of what I had also mentioned previously)
I would like to know if that will be happening to as if you look at my site and the site map here > Site Map install you will see the site map does not include pages that are essentially external to the VBulletin software lke for example my index page which is using VBAdvanced.
I would like to see pages external to the forum being displayed to - maybe on the right side of page so it is clear that links down the left are internal to the forum and the ones on the right are external to the forum if you get my drift