Here is what you have been waiting for my first hack of my own.
What is this hack, Well its a online league managment tool for running a online league system.
This league system will run a 16 player tournament, Tournament signup, league signup and resign,
News for the admin to let his members know when the next tournament is.
members are able to join a team or make a team.
Admin area
The admin and make delete edit tournaments,
The admin can also make teams as and when he like where members of the site can only make one team.
The admin can report wins for each player when viewing players in the admincp.
He can also edit delete and report losses.
When players have signed up to a tournament in the admincp on touenaments the admin will see
All players in the tournaments and the tournament ID next to each player.
When a player reports a lose the admin will see all reports in the tournaments page.
This is so simple anyone can install this.
Unzip the vbleague_3.5 file in a folder on your pc
Upload the files to the root of your forum like
Login to your admin cp and put this to install.
goto you plugin system
click manage products
[Add/Import Product]
Browse for the product-league.xml file
dont click Allow Overwrite
Do this as a new install only
If you have any problems please post here and i will help as soon as i can.
Please click the install button
A big thanks to Blaine0002 for converting this over to 3.5
I still dont get the heck of it. What is the League system all about. Which games can we play and how to setup at game to allow for a tournament. Is this got to do with online gaming. Please enlighten me. Thanks
I still dont get the heck of it. What is the League system all about. Which games can we play and how to setup at game to allow for a tournament. Is this got to do with online gaming. Please enlighten me. Thanks
The simple way to answer you is yes you can make online games as tournaments. when making a tournament put the tournament name and the game name in there.
I could add a new feild for the game name and have the other one as the tournament name.
But you can run almost any online multiplayer game in this league.
As for screen shots there is a link to the post that had them up top.
It didnt do anything for me, I installed it and everything I didnt get any new admin options.
You have to upload the fileedits.html this loads in at the end of the install to tell you how to edit the admincp/index.php file for your admin controls for the league.
In the last installation step I get this error:
Warning: main(fileedits.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbleague_install.php on line 2042
Warning: main(): Failed opening 'fileedits.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /admincp/vbleague_install.php on line 2042
This is down to you not uploading the fileedits.html file to your admincp folder.
This shows you how to edit your admincp/index.php file
Thanks for the nice words you have said about this and you are all more then welcome to this.
I will be making a new version soon and it will have more on it, But im just finishing of another hack im doing.
I just hope that you all like it and find some good use for it.
Some idea's for the next release might be a league credit system.
Where players use the league credits to signup to tournaments
so say if you have the tournament set to 50 credits to join for each player,
Then if 10 players join the tournament the total to pay out to the winner would be 500 credits.
If you have any idea's for the next version please let me know.