Version: 3.2, by Revan
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014
Version: 3.5.0
Released: 06-21-2005
Last Update: 09-30-2005
Installs: 115
DB Changes
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Soft Deleted Archive v3.2
If you have a forum where you disallow your Moderators to Hard Delete posts, you might want to look over exactly what posts they have deleted, in case of disputes between staff and members. But running a huge forum with hundreds of threads, this task can get tiring.
This is where the Soft Deleted Archive comes in handy!
Seperate threads and posts
Name and link to forum of the thread/post
Username that posted the post
Username that deleted the post
Reason for deletion, if any were inputted
Date of thread/post deletion
For threads, link that takes you directly to the thread in question
For posts, link that takes you directly to the post in question, for manual managing
Limit the number of total entries to show per page
Ability to choose Sorting Order (Ascending or Descending)
Flagging Threads and Posts seperately
Fully phrased
Ability to Hard Delete selected threads/posts
Ability to Restore selected threads/posts
NO Code Modifications needed!
More efficient forum counter rebuilding.
Screenshots attached.
Install instructions:
Click install (you want your precious support, don't you?).
Upload the files.
Import the Product XML file through your ACP.
Additional Credits:
The revised cpnav_softdel.xml is thanks to Oblivion Knight.
The product-soft_deleted_archive.xml is thanks to mtha.
If you use this mod, Click it!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I never bothered with my 3.0.7 board as I went live on 3.5 last week, but loaded this up today and got rid of hundreds of these pesky things in one click. Ran flawlessly -- and quickly.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
@fleabag -- you may want to try to delete fewer at one pop? If you are deleting threads that have a boatload of posts in them, that will be quite intensive...
Would you say this is server intensive? It's timing out for me, no other script on my host does that.
Well I can assume it will run a few more than 1 query per Post/Thread you delete, because it is updating the forum counters etc for each post. I might blatantly rip the vB function only with the update part stripped for a future version - right now Im on an RPG code roll and I don't want to spoil the moment
Originally Posted by nealparry
You sex sexy man (Just keeping in line with the thread, HONEST!)
*ahem* Neal sounds awfully much like a mans name, so Im gonna pretend I didn't see this
Originally Posted by Christine
I never bothered with my 3.0.7 board as I went live on 3.5 last week, but loaded this up today and got rid of hundreds of these pesky things in one click. Ran flawlessly -- and quickly.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
Glad to hear it's appreciated
Wow I cant believe I was actually the first person to think up an useful feature and put it as a hack XD
(unless someone on vB2 did it, I never looked there, I swear )