echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Private message to users where:</b></td></tr>\n";
makeinputcode("User Name contains","ausername");
if ($pwdincp!=0) {
makeinputcode("and password contains","apassword");
makechoosercode("and usergroup is","usergroupid","usergroup",-1,"Any");
makeinputcode("and email contains","aemail");
makeinputcode("and parent's email contains","parentemail");
makeinputcode("and is coppa user (yes, no, blank for don't mind)","coppauser");
makeinputcode("and homepage contains","homepage");
makeinputcode("and ICQ Number contains","icq");
makeinputcode("and AIM Handle contains","aim");
makeinputcode("and Yahoo Messenger Handle contains","yahoo");
makeinputcode("and Biography contains","biography");
makeinputcode("and Signature contains","signature");
makeinputcode("and User Title contains","usertitle");
makeinputcode("and Join Date is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd, leave blank for today)","joindateafter");
makeinputcode("and Join Date is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd, leave blank for today)","joindatebefore");
makeinputcode("and Last Visit is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastvisitafter");
makeinputcode("and Last Visit is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastvisitbefore");
makeinputcode("and Last Post is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastpostafter");
makeinputcode("and Last Post is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastpostbefore");
makeinputcode("and Number of Posts is greater than","postslower");
makeinputcode("and Number of Posts is less than","postsupper");
if ($action=="masspm") {
if ($condition=="") {
if ($ausername!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(username,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."')>0";
if ($apassword!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(password,'".addslashes($apassword)."')>0";
if ($usergroupid!=-1 and $usergroupid!="") {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid=$usergroupid";
if ($aemail!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(email,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aemail))."')>0";
if ($parentemail!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(parentemail,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail))."')>0";
if ($coppauser=="yes") {
$condition.=" AND coppauser=1";
if ($coppauser=="no") {
$condition.=" AND coppauser=0";
if ($homepage!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(homepage,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."')>0";
if ($icq!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(icq,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."')>0";
if ($aim!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(aim,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."')>0";
if ($yahoo!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(yahoo,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."')>0";
if ($biography!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(biography,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($biography))."')>0";
if ($signature!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(signature,'".addslashes($signature)."')>0";
if ($usertitle!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(usertitle,'".addslashes($usertitle)."')>0";
if ($joindateafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND joindate>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($joindateafter)."')";
if ($joindatebefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND joindate<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($joindatebefore)."')";
if ($lastvisitafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastvisit>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastvisitafter)."')";
if ($lastvisitbefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastvisit<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastvisitbefore)."')";
if ($lastpostafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastpost>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastpostafter)."')";
if ($lastpostbefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastpost<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastpostbefore)."')";
if ($postslower!="") {
$condition.=" AND posts>'$postslower'";
if ($postsupper!="") {
$condition.=" AND posts<'$postsupper'";
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid,username,password,email FROM user WHERE $condition");
I have updated this as well if anyone is interested, here is a screen shot and I added it to the control panel. I eliminated the other queries such as lastpost etc.. since I was only lookin to Mass PM a group or all groups. Here it is:
PHP Code:
if ($action=="") {
echo "<p>In the private message, you may use \$username, \$password and \$email.</p>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Private message to groups where:</b></td></tr>\n";
if ($pwdincp!=0) {
makeinputcode("and password contains","apassword");
makechoosercode("Usergroup is:","usergroupid","usergroup",-1,"Any");
if ($action=="masspm") {
if ($condition=="") {
if ($ausername!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(username,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."')>0";
if ($apassword!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(password,'".addslashes($apassword)."')>0";
if ($usergroupid!=-1 and $usergroupid!="") {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid=$usergroupid";
if ($usertitle!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(usertitle,'".addslashes($usertitle)."')>0";
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid,username,password,email FROM user WHERE $condition");
Originally posted by chrispadfield moderators arn't a usergroup anymore.
(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation [edit][list all users]
Administrator [edit][list all users]
Moderators [edit] [remove][list all users]
Registered [edit][list all users]
Super Moderator [edit][list all users]
Unregistered / Not Logged In [edit][list all users]
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation [edit][list all users]
Actually.. Unless you move them into a group on your own they are all set to the Registered User's Group when you upgrade. Moderator permissions are handled through a separate moderators table now.
I sent a test message to my moderators' user group last night, which is 5 people. To test it out, I included the $username, $password, and $email variables as it says you can. When it was sent out, instead of doing the person's the message was going to, all 5 messages had the info of the first person it was sent to.
i.e. I sent it to users 5, 49, 65, 100, 105 and in all of them it put the info for user 5.
I used wreckman's and it went pearshaped and did not send the message for some reason so had to use my old one to do it. Not sure what the bug is but something not quite right i don't think?