well, what i heard from a freind who knows John Percival a LITTLE BIT is, there going to require you to buy a totaly new licenece to use vb3. But thats only a friend of mine so.
They have stated many times on the support forums that you will not have to purchase an additional license, you will be able to use your current one as long as it is still valid when vB 3 comes out.
Actually iy is $160.00 for an owned and $85 for a leased - But no, you should not have to pay again, this has been asked and aswered many times on vBulletin.com.
I can't wait for V3 to come out. Jordan the Admin of GTPlanet is waiting patienly for Screenshots. He did say there is a possibilty it might be like the new ikonboard.
Originally posted by xiphoid You can purchase vBulletin right now and enjoy version 2.x
you get 1 year of free updates etc, so in this year, vb3 will be release (i am 99% sure about that) and then you get it for free.
Thank you for passing on the knowledge I just might! Ty for the info everyone.
Originally posted by DeMiNe0 well, what i heard from a freind who knows John Percival a LITTLE BIT is, there going to require you to buy a totaly new licenece to use vb3. But thats only a friend of mine so.
Nope, just a rumor. It's not true, all people with a license will get V3 as part of their license. It's been stated as such by the VB dev team.
I expect the beta maybe October, and a release maybe by the end of the year, after they iron out any bugs, at least that's what they are saying they are shooting for at least.