This is currently in Alpha Stages. This is for the few who are helping me on this give feedback until Beta, when Beta is reached I will post the zip here for full public testing (I don't see this taking more than a week or two, seriously).
I still have room for one more tester for the alpha stages if you wish to assist. PM me for more information, please only those with the current release of VB.
I would like to see a live demo please. I can't take a good look at the screenshots.
Provide me with a hosted and licensed version of vBulletin so that it can be publicly viewable and I'll do that, until then, you'll have to wait until the beta release just like the rest of the crew. Sorry, licensing restrictions prevent me from giving out my testing server to the public.
Provide me with a hosted and licensed version of vBulletin so that it can be publicly viewable and I'll do that, until then, you'll have to wait until the beta release just like the rest of the crew. Sorry, licensing restrictions prevent me from giving out my testing server to the public.
But you are allowed to have a test board so... there ya go!