Version: 2.0, by sv1cec
Developer Last Online: Mar 2022
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 05-29-2005
Last Update: 06-04-2005
Installs: 27
Template Edits
Code Changes
No support by the author.
I got the idea for this hack, while trying to prune my Inbox from old (and useless) PMs. As it usually happens, I didn't remember from the title, what each PM was about, so I kept going back and forth between the Message List and the messages themselves.
I thought that if I could have a small part of the PM shown in the list, it would help my work enormously. So, I took some time to do it. I call that initial part of the PM which is shown in the Messages List, a "synopsis".
Easy hack, one or two file edits and anything from one template edit.
Please remember to click Install, if you like this.
Version 1.01 : Following another member's suggestion, I removed the possible bbcode from the synopsis of the messages, shown in the Message List.
Version 2.0 : In this version, I added the option of allowing the forum users to select if they want to see a synopsis of their PMs in the Messages List or not, and to define how long their synopsis should be. A new column is added in your user table for this functionality.
PLEASE NOTE: There are several alternative ways to show your synopsis, after mentionning two or three of them, I decided to remove them from the installation instructions and mention only the simpler one, which requires only one template modification, in the simplest form. This was done in order to avoid confusion between the users who decide to install this hack. The way the synopsis is presented is a template issue, so it should be easy to come up with any alternatives you want.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Really nice, thanks. Since I had Traffix flag pm hack installed, all I had to do is to add <div class='smallfont'>
in the messagelistbit template under the title and userbit <td>. And I linked the more in php to pm
Not a bad idea. I thus changed the installation instructions to provide the two different alternatives, one with the synopsis in a separate column, or in the same column as the message title and sender.
Version 1.02, I out-did myself, three versions in one day! LoL
I know, and maybe you are right, this might be the way to go, however, I do not like it when the data/time are in the same <td>, it's kind of messy. But I agree, the hack becomes much simpler, since those who install it, have to edit only one template.
I think I shall add another alternative. LoL, this is getting ridiculous!
I also added some code to allow your users to select if they want to have a synopsis or not, as well as to define the length of the synopsis. If someone is interested, I can provide the code for that, it entitles a couple of changes in profile.php and a change in the modifyoptions template. Maybe we should move to ... version 2.0!! LOL
OK, the instructions are now in the installation text file. If anyone wants to upgrade from 1.xx to 2.0 and can't figure out how to do it, let me know.
I'll tell you, this hack is pretty helpful. I get lots of PM daily and now I don't have to dig into each one of them to locate a single one. And it also makes easy to clean up the message boxes. We just have to wait until someone decides to "ajax" the delete :-)
Yeah, and you make me include new things every hour!
Strip quotes are now in the instructions. I also made a change in the way the instructions related to the profile.php file, so please check it out again.
I promise, no more changes, unless Lionel comes up with another good idea!